Sunday, December 7, 2008


“So how is the house cleaning coming?” the words from my classmate were not meant as an insult but remembering his comments from before brought a certain sting “I thought only girls who were depressed cleaned house.” No, girls who are not depressed clean house, and bake, and cook, and care for children. Actually many many women have found cleaning house, just one part of keeping a home, to be a very satisfying career. It is just one very small piece of being a keeper at home. There are many, many, many such little pieces that make domesticity attractive. However it isn't just these little sacrifices and acts of kindness (or big ones) it is the spirit of a woman giving herself to her family that is so beautiful. To be able to truly have something to give, in reality to have anything to give a woman must allow God's blessings to flow over her constantly. She must give herself in God and allow Him to fill every bit of her life and then she can truly be a blessing to her family. As I learn to let God fill me completely I think of how blessed I am to have so many Godly woman as my examples. Women who have not listened to societies insults at the idea of homemaking and have allowed God to fill them up so that they can pour out God's love to their families and friends.


Stormgirl said...

That is so true Janel. I feel so blessed to be surrounded by Godly women who are living such wonderful examples. Cleaning house is not depressing. It is not fun at times, but it is part of what we are meant to do. It is very sad to see how many people in our society today despise the role of women. Womanhood is a glorious privelage!

Anonymous said...

So true, thank you Janel!!

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