Monday, January 19, 2009


It was brought to my attention that my post on Coffee Buddies created some confusion. No, my job was not being at a coffee shop. I simply tried to make it such. See I worked in customer support for Logos Bible Software with many other wonderful people. Early in the morning we got our poor tired bodies out of bed and into the frigid air and then up the steep flight of stairs to our desks. We sat down and turned on our computers that seemed just as tired as we were. Then log into the customer support line to become heroes and heroines to our customers. Well groggy heads normally don't make very good heroes so I, being the sweet girl that I am, would offer to stop being a heroine to my customers for just a moment and make lattes for myself and my colleagues on the lovely espresso machine that our wonderful boss had provided for the company. Some day I hope to be a barista for real. For now, however, I am content to be a barista wannabe.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Well it looks like posting about my brother is the "in" thing. Abbie and Hannah have proved that he is just as funny and wonderful at school as he is at home. Ah, but where do I start? I have so many stories. So many of those little moments that I could tell about. I think I will clump some of those together to tell one very primary character quality of my brother – tenderness. My brother is the most tender person that I know. As a little guy (say 2) he was always making me smile and everyone else for that matter. Although he was always falling down and getting hurt he never seemed very concerned about himself. He was too busy playing with others.

Well lots of time passed and he is still just as tender and caring for others. This summer I had the privilege of watching him working with children. He can be the funniest, ,most exciting leader who ever existed (you should hear him tell a Bible story) but he is also comforting for those children who are hurting emotionally. It was not uncommon for me to turn my head and see someone crying on his shoulder and observe as he held that person in his arms and gave his full attention and compassion. That is just who Trevor is.

Now, there is one down side to having the most amazing brother ever. I have to share him. It seems that everywhere I go people love my brother. Fortunately there is enough of him to go around. With a personality like his a little can go a long ways.

Hmmm I think I'm going to have to think of a really good story about him like everyone else is doing. Any requests??? Just kidding. *smile*

Monday, January 12, 2009

More from Amy Carmichael

Here is another passage from a book of quotes and devotionals that were compiled from letters written by that smart, brave, wise woman –Amy Carmichael

Jeremiah 18:4,6 “The vessel that he made of clay was marred in the hand of the potter: so he made it again another verse, as seemed good to the potter to make it. Cannot I do with you as this potter saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in Mine hand.”

When a piece of steel has been subject to such stress that it has lost its power to recover its elasticity, it is said to be distorted. But it can be made right again. It is put in the furnace, and so it recovers what it has lost.

Perhaps we have given way under the great stress of temptation and become 'distorted'. Perhaps we have lost home of ever recovering. 'I am like this now; I shall always be like this'.

Are we willing to put into any furnace of God's choosing if only we may be made fit for His use? We cannot chose our furnace. Sometimes it is the furnace of affliction of Isaiah 48:10 “Behold, I have refined you, but not as silver; I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.”

But always there is hope. Cannot I do with you as this potter? Asks the Lord. We are in His hand, and no one can snatch us from His grasp. Our dear Lord says, My Father, which gave them Me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of My Father's hand John 10:29

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Coffee Buddies

One shot of espresso, half flavor vanilla half caramel with extra foam. That is his favorite. I don't even have to ask. Being a barista is one of my favorite early morning activities. I don't even have to ask how some people want their coffee. I've made it so many times. The really great thing is that he wants it almost the opposite of how I like it so I get to gather all of the supplies available at work and start making coffee for as many people as possible. I enjoy making coffee for myself and co-workers because I can make it just the way they like it plus I get to run the steam wand. Ah the simple delights in life. I keep it a secret that I enjoy this task so much. I just let them think that I'm an amazing, sweet, kind person. Reality is I just like making espresso drinks.

One of the best things about coffee though is not making it. Even better than getting to make espresso drinks is going with friends to Starbucks, Black Drop, Woods, or even Cruse'n Coffee (okay that last one could be a post all in itself) The early morning 6 AM shift heads out together. We are the three Js (Jon, Justin, and Janel) it was an event that could put a smile on my face no matter how bad my day was going. No matter how rude a customer had been these coffee buddies combined with the aroma of a fresh brewed cup of coffee could lift my spirits. As we walk down the street the antics of the other sleep deprived (or just caffeine deprived) people are making me wonder if I should pretend I don't know them or just smile sheepishly at the other people gathered for their cup'o joe.

Well the three Js were split up. Janel left for the summer and by the time she got back Jon was headed for Italy to be a very cool fashion designer/ musician/ evangelist dude. Then Janel left again to start school. She was back for awhile but Justin moved on to actually get a career type job (way to go!) so the coffee buddies changed. Next Bethany started working the “coffee trip is necessary” shift and then Debbie soon followed. Ah happy day! The coffee trips continue. Janel and her friends can now talk about the dresses in the bridal shop (more than Justin's quote “I like the white one”) Also Janel doesn't wonder about hiding as she walks down the street. Although these girls are funny their humor is of a quieter sort. Ah good friends, good talks, good coffee.

Although I no longer work with these people I intend to still drop by for S'bux runs with my dear coworkers. Although she doesn't like coffee we can normally get Elizabeth to come and Bethany and Debbie are still faithfully caffeine deprived and could almost always agree with enough prodding to make a visit to one of our favorite shops in town. The little things in life are truly beautiful.

Saturday, January 3, 2009

Blogger's Block

Ok so I guess I've been suffering from a sort of writer's block. Or blogger's block. Something like that. So I have decided to steal the thoughts of someone else who is much wiser than I. I'm reminded of Marie's line “smart dead guys”. However this time I'm not quoting a smart dead guy. I'm quoting a smart dead woman. Amy Carmichael is one of my favorite authors. She is also one of my favorite people in history to read about. I pray for her wisdom, strength, and bravery.

Psalm 142:10 “Let Thy loving Spirit lead me forth into the land of righteousness.”

When I was a school girl I read James Gall's 'Primeval Man Unveiled.' One wonderful day I sat on a stool at the feet of the writer of that book, and asked him to explain things I had not understood. I wondered, as I looked up into the face of that old man, at the loving joy I saw there.

I understand that joy better now. I know that there are few joys so great as to be asked, by one in earnest to understand, what the words one has written mean.

Is it not wonderful to think that we may give joy to the Writer of our Book by asking Him to open it to us? We do not think enough of the love of the Spirit of God. Here is a prayer for all who want to enter into the land whose wealth is prepared for us: Let thy loving Spirits lead me forth into the land of righteousness.

May we all be led further and further into that land in this new year.

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