Sunday, September 30, 2007


Since it doesn't appear that I can get away without saying something. I guess I had better give a mini report.

I have a couple of stalkers madly chasing me down. At every turn I see them. They relay the same message at every meeting. In low, raspy tones they drone “Post something” Post something” The drums begin to rumble the earth begins to shake. On and on the droning goes “Post something” “Post something” Like the scene from Finding Nemo when he swims through the bubbles in the aquarium at the dentist. “Post something” “Post something.”

Please do not worry about me. I can word of the evil intruders and put them back in their place.
For any one who doesn't know me very well I am totally joking and if you have been so deprived as to not having seen Finding Nemo, please, don't feel discouraged because....there really weren't any drums.

Monday, September 17, 2007


"Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Comparing Standards by God or by Others

“Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow.” AW Tozer

Likewise we should not measure ourselves to the stander of those around us but by God's standard and if we as the church measure to Christ's standard then we will also be “tuned” to one another.

Here are some words that a very wise friend shared with me once.

“I know it's hard to remember that we're measuring our lives by the world's standards, but we MUST remember that we can't live our life by one principle—obedience to Christ—and measure it by another—what others expect of us. If we are going to live to obey we MUST be satisfied with God's pleasure in our obedience no matter what others think.”

It isn't that we measure ourselves by another “piano” but we measure ourselves by the ultimate “tuning fork” the Lord Jesus Christ

Friday, September 14, 2007

New Job

I have made it through the first week of a new job. Training has been a little intense at times, after the first day I was almost lead to believe my head would explode before the week was up. However, it seems that it is still all there and may feel slightly swollen at times but is none the worse for ware and tare. Actually, I have been enjoying training quite a lot. This week I was trained not only in how to perform for the job but also to resist the “fiery darts” of my coworkers. Okay, maybe not fiery darts. Maybe they are more like rubber tipped darts. Any way, part of my training has included dart throwing lessons (a most amusing pastime).

Training has taken up quite a bit of time and energy this week. I have had energy for little else, but at least learning is very enjoyable.

Sorry, I'm not saying outright where I work (at least not on line for now) but some of you already know and if you don't you probably have my email address and can ask me.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Never Give Up

Never be sad or desponding,
If thou hath faith to believe,
Grace, for the duties before thee
Ask of thy God and receive.
Never give up, never give up,
Never give up to they sorrows,
Jesus will bid them depart,
Trust in the Lord, trust in the Lord.
Sing when your trials are greatest
Trust in the Lord and take heart!
Fanny Crosby

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Little Of Shi-Shi


If you like hiking with a large pack on your back...
If you like climbing rocks...
If exploring tide pools is a great incentive to get up early...
If you consider a pit toilet a luxury...
If you don't mind surfing in cold cloudy (yet lovely and beautiful) western Washington...
If you love seeing wild life like river otters...
If you like exploring in the woods for the trail you are supposed to be following...
If you like camping on a sandy beach....
gathering your own fire wood...
cleaning your dishes in the surf...
getting soaked...
pumping water and having it still come out looking like iced tea...
going for long walks and runs along the water...

Then you would love to go to Shi-Shi Beach.

My Dad and brothers and I recently went to Shi-Shi Beach and had such a good time I just had to tell you all about it.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Submission Versus Obedience

Awhile ago I promised to do a series on obedience/submission. This may not have any great spiritual advice but here are some thoughts.

Something about those two words ("submit" and "obey") that has been on my mind for a long time is how they are used interchangeably and yet somewhat different in meaning.According to Merriam Webster Dictionary

-Submit means to 1) commit to the discretion or decision of another or of others, 2) yield, surrender.

-Obey means to follow the commands or guidance comply with.

Essentially to obey is an action and to submit is a heart attitude. To obey I have to do as I'm told. To submit I have to put myself under another's authority. I must want to obey them. This may involve an emotional struggle while obeying is mainly labor involved in the command that is being obeyed. Submission calls for a control of the emotions not just a control of physical actions. In fact, submission might not be in the form of a physical action at all, but rather the attitude of being under authority.

Furthermore, to obey implies a one time action while submission implies a lifestyle. For example you obey a command, while you submit to a person (as an ongoing thing).

We use these words interchangeably because not only are they similar in meaning but they are commanded to us by God for the same reason-to bring order in the family, the church, the workplace, and the government.

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