Monday, September 1, 2008

Fifth Location

The next location may have been the one at which we encountered the most spiritual warfare. It was held at the Holiness Camp Ground in Ferndale. Although we had many well behaved children we also had some that could not be controlled. It was hard to work through and parents were frequently involved. Through all the bumps we were still able to make the gospel message clear and were able to add some new things to this camp that we hadn't at previous camps. Each day we had a time where a different leader would share a special skill activity that they were knowledgeable in. This was also the first location that my brother started teaching the Bible lessons full time. It was fun to watch as his style grew and he became confident in what he was doing. At the end of the week we gave a presentation with the kids for all of the adults at the camp. It went well and the children were happy to share what they had learned and the adults at the camp were blessed.


Katie said...

holliness was a good week I miss the kids... that was crazy

Janel said...

yeah it was pretty crazy. I miss a lot of the kids at the different locations

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