Saturday, April 28, 2007


“Sleep” early in the morning it is my favorite word. “sleep” “bed” “blanket”...they are all good. But during the middle of the day, sleep is a word that feels menacingly like admitting a sin. Being a human being in need of sleep keeps me from doing all that I would like to do. However, I must sleep because there are some things that are even more important than doing every thing I would like. Being able to graciously interact with other people is not something I want to have anything meddling with (especially when it comes to my family). My family is the most important thing in my life, next to my relationship with Jesus Christ. They are much more important that having a few more hours to do homework and write and read and do all the other things that I would love to have more time for.. Therefore in lieu of doing every thing I would like to do, the Lord has been teaching me to rest.... yes I need to be taught to rest. It seems rather basic, but it is actually a very humbling process. There are certain limitations that God, in his infinite wisdom, has given us. The need for sleep is one of them


Lisa Rae said...

I've been thinking a lot about this one too lately. Isn't it strange that with all the world calls on us to be doing and being all the time, God created us to have to shut off and rest every, I dunno, sixteen hours or so? Sometimes it takes way more discipline and faith (yes, faith!) to turn my to do list over and turn my racing brain off than it does to stay up all night in frantic effort to finish everything. Thanks for the encouragementand reminder, Janel! I'm going to bed!

Balvanz said...

I find myself fighting the need to sleep at times...when there are so many beautiful things waiting to be written, how can I go to bed? Yet you ar so right--God in His wisdom has given us that limitation, and I know it's for our good!

Katie said...

That is a good description, Lisa. "Faith to turn my to-do list over."

Luv you!

Lisa Rae said...

Did the fact that I stayed up late to read this post totally negate the truth of my previous enthusiastic comment? Hmmm...
I guess I needed this reminder more than I thought, Janel!

Janel said...

I don't know Lisa. At least you have the concept down well and can articulate the point. It's just the execution that is a little elusive.

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