You think your safe. You think your secure. And then it happens, the inevitable, the unexplainable, the unthinkable... The toilet plunger breaks! The rubber shreds off of the wooden stick, like flesh being torn to pieces by a wild beast and you are left with the remains, limp as a rag doll, staring you in the face! Such was the fate of one of my brothers the other day, when, in the good deed of caring for the females in his family, who were suffering a from acute case of the stomach flu. You know that tragedy has struck the house when even the faithful toilet plunger droops its sorry head! But not to fear, toilet plungers are quite easy to come by. Today one was purchased from our friend Fred Meyer. It is quite a delightful little thing, very bright and perky. It has a clear plastic handle and a bright blue rubber head. Currently it is quite a glorified little toilet plunger and is used as more of a sward type weapon. Shortly after lunch it was being paraded around the house quite proudly and being flashed before passerbys with bold statements such as “Stop there musketeer, before I plunge you down the toilet where you shall never find yourself in the light of day again!”
Do you feel safe?
Not just one moment...
Defining moments are usually specific points in time. They are often easily
identifiable by one momentous occasion. They stand out in our history,
9 years ago
HA,ha,ha, ha, ha. =)
(Your house is rarely safe, but under such circumstances, I welcome the hundred miles between us.)
Actually, I am already looking forward to seeing you again. I like blue toilet plungers.
We had to buy a new toilet plunger a couple of weeks ago. Since ours was unfortunately buried somewhere in the bowels of a storage unit. (Accidentally.)
It is not blue though.
I am jealous.
Well, when you get married I'll get you a blue toilet plunger for a bridal shower gift. :)
Did you delete something or was that someone else? I'm surprised that my brother hasn't commented. Maybe he was ashamed to be associated with me after I wrote that.
I deleted it. Blogger double posted one of my comments. =)
Oh, isn't that lovely. dont' you love it when computers have a mind of their own. I think they are trying to take over the world. I really do. :)
Update from the realm of toilet terror - we bought that plunger that Katie mentioned, and it broke last night - just snapped. "...push it in, pull it out, swish it all about..."
Our little blue one didn't work either. It failed the test as a toilet plunger and was reduced to pretty plastic and rubber. Yours broke? Did you break it? Did you need some “Sin be gone” or maybe just some “guilt be gone” Mrs. Wammey (sp?) has some of that if you need it. :)
For those of you who think I've gone mad (which is probably most of the people reading this) then I'll explain it in two words CAMP JOKES. Yes several years back I went to Camp Woodworth as a camp counselor. Paul and his sister Katie (one of my favorite people in the world) were there also that summer.
LOL you guys are great!
Janel--I need to link you!? I just realize that I don't have you linked. Agh! No wonder I'm so behind on your posts.
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