Saturday, June 16, 2007

Kindergarten Quotes

My time working in kindergarten is over for very sad. I thought you would enjoy some of the things that they said.

F: “Why does nobody like me?”
O: “Well, if you would just stop picking your nose.”

Ky: “me do it.”

Ky: (when asked to read a line in a book) “I can't know it.”

A: “Miss Janel, do you have a husband?”
I: “Well, when are you going to get one?”
Kim: “Miss Janel! You're NOT Listening TO ME!!!”

Ray: “I'm dumping my girlfriend”.

RaJ: “Oh! Miss Janel! You color good!”

Miss Janel: “What are you doing to me?” (as her arms are being pulled)
N: “I'm making you hug me.”

Jo: “I have two girlfriends”
Ray: “Well, I have three girlfriends” (I hope I don't know them when they are in high school)

N: “We have to find a boy to dance with.”
T: “Miss Janel, will you dance with me?”

Ky: (Everyone is working quietly when all of a sudden, very firmly) “I'm not a cat!”

(a discussion between the class and a substitute teacher)
child: “When are you getting married”
teacher: “In August”
child: “Did you get your dress already?”
teacher: “Yes I did.”
child: “What color is it?”

(these are just a few random examples of every day in kindergarten)


Isaacme said...

oh kids quotes are so cute.

Balvanz said...

Oh, how adorable! I love little kids!!

Anonymous said...

Oooh, they sound so cute, I wish I could be around little kids more, but nope, I'm stuck with adults all day. :)

Hope you are enjoying your vacation, I missed you last night.

Lisa Rae said...

If only we could teach five-year-olds to roll pretzels, we could have this much fun at work!

Katie said...

Please come back.
love katie

Janel said...

I missed all of you too Kimi

Yeah Lisa that would be very cute. Why didn't we think of that when we had a whole herd of them in the shop?:)

I'm back Sweet Katie, I missed you.

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!

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