Friday, January 25, 2008

What is a Girl to Do?

Here is my dilemma, I sweetly answer the phone “Logos Bible Software, how may I direct your call” but am received with a vigorous “ I don't think you will be able to help me little miss” Well, since I have better training and manners than to say “Well then, I won't” I decided to try lowering my voice. However after perfecting this a passerby comments “That sounded very seductive” ugggg not going to work. Okay, not too high and not to low. I can do this. After a few attempts at my “happy medium” I realize that my customers think that I am a recording that they are talking to.

Such is life.....


Katie said...

Haha, I had people think I was a recording a few times. :) I never had anyone call me "little missy" but I did have a guy ask me if I wanted to marry him...but it was more like this "Thank you for calling __, my name is Katharine, may I have your first and last name please." "Oh, do you want to marry me??" It seemed so off the wall-it took me a loong time to realize he was playing off my asking for his name. :)

Paul DeJarnette said...

I got back on the phone with another agent in the call center when I worked there and pretended to be the recording instead of myself - the agent I was talking to actually saw me too, and was still fooled. "We appreciate your patience. Your call is important to us. Please wait for the next available representative..." :D

Janel said...

ha that is very funny Paul.

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