Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sixth Location

The final location was a lot of fun because we had some extra helpers so there were more friends to be with. Also there were more children and with more children more excitement is built. We had some very good times with the kids who ranged from very well trained to....not so much. With the extra kids and extra helpers came completely new challenges to me as a leader. The ways in which I grew this week were much more fun than in previous weeks. I learned better how to deal with situations on a larger scale. The team unity was very good this week. It was fun to see people getting along and helping one another grow in their skills of working with kids. We had some extremely adorable children at this camp and they were constantly trying to stay on the good side of their leaders. It was interesting to watch the variety of children and how the teens handled them as the small group leaders.


Aidyn Nicole said...

This was a fun week. I'm glad that I was able to work with you guys

Janel said...

me too it was fun to have you. It was fun to have every one that we had...like I was telling my manager this morning...the last week was the best! :)

Isaacme said...

lol Hopefully he wasn't offended by that.

Janel said...

he wouldn't be....:)

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