Sunday, June 14, 2009

New Hobby

I havea new hobby. I like listening to sermons. I've started going through several series by Mark Driscoll. Although I don't agree with everything he says he preaches straight from the Bible. I've been listening to several sermons a day and have been loving it. I kind of started to wonder if there is something strange about a girl who likes listening to sermons so much...if there is, that's just too bad. If you are hungry to hear God's word preached more you can get your fix here. I highly suggest the current sermon series. You can also see pastor Mark's blog here.


Nicole Wright said...

Yea for listening to sermons! I've listened to some of Driscol and lately I've been listening to Steve Brown: also *very* good!! :D

Janel said...

oooo yay, sounds good. I'll listen to that when I catch up with Driscoll :)

Historian Anne said...

I think that is a commendable hobby. Nothing I can say against it!

Elizabeth said...

Yay sermons! Driscoll is a good one, as are C.J. Mahaney, John Piper and Matt Chandler.

One thing I learned, though, was that you can't listen to so many that they just become background noise. I found that I 'overdosed' on them a bit and wasn't really getting anything out of them because the sermon had just become background. With the right balance, though, they are wonderful!

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