Ah, the satisfying feeling of having finished a Good News Club. Clubs are finishing up for the year. After Christmas break they should start up again with even more children. Our club at one school just doubled (we went from 2 to 4 kids) I'm quite excited about the whole thing. Now, if you have never gone every week to teach lessons to two children you probably don't understand the impact and excitement that comes from doubling a class size to include four children but let me tell you it is exciting. Last week when our two children turned into three we were quite excited. It was worthy of making phone calls to inform those who might wish to know the exciting news. Now that we have four children it may be hard to contain ourselves for sheer excitement (actually I'm sure we will manage). The girls that I work with and I are just very excited that we get to reach more children with the Good News. It is neat to see as the children become excited to start bringing their friends and the influence in this brand new school begins to spread.
A couple years ago we had one club that had started out with only one child that came. A faithful teacher (Miss Holly) came week by week ready to teach that one child and show her God's love. Last year I was blessed to be handed this club we started out the year with four children this time and ended up with 18 who had come to hear the Good News. This year we have 25 members at that club. I know that great things can come of small beginnings.
One less exciting thing is that I forgot all of the treats we had brought. I didn't realize they were missing until I was dropping off the girls I work with at their house. I didn't worry about it but went happily into their warm house out of the heat and chatted a bit and received a lovely gift of pumpkin muffins and exchanged Merry Christmasses as I walked out the door into the blustery cold. I decided that after I picked up my brother at the school he teaches at we would go back and look for them. Much to my excitement the door was still opened. We crept quietly inside and were welcomed by the large staircase and beautiful fireplace (the children at this school are blessed with beautiful architecture) Then we tried to enter the pod (no we are not exactly in a bee hive just very close) however it was locked. Hopefully someone will enjoy those chips today.
Not just one moment...
Defining moments are usually specific points in time. They are often easily
identifiable by one momentous occasion. They stand out in our history,
9 years ago
Now that school is out, CEF is finished and baby sitting is done, what ever are we to do?
Ummmmm work on IT portfolio and bake lots of cookies and clean my room and go to parties and see friends and sleep....I'm sure we will think of something. :)
What a blessing you must be to those kids! Shine on for Him!
Oh that is good news Janel. Hope you are able to focus on that IT Portafolio...
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