Not just one moment...
Defining moments are usually specific points in time. They are often easily
identifiable by one momentous occasion. They stand out in our history,
9 years ago
Wherever you are be all life to the hilt. Jim Elliot
I think of submiting papers, the mental image I get when I think of the word is a massive thumb pressing me to submit.
I think of sermon upon sermon I've heard and never *submitted to* on the subject of submission. The whole "head-nod" and completely ignoring the "action" part of it. (See James 1)
Man! Interesting answers... :oP Look forward to more. Fun to see co-workers participating!!
If I had to give a definition, it would be this…
Submission is a choice to quiet one's own will and instead do the will of the one in rightful authority (whether man or God).
I automatically think of a husband/wife or parent/child relationship wherein the wife or child must willingly quiet their desires in many circumstances to do the will of the husband or parent. (No rotten tomatoes please. yes, I believe that God’s will is for the husband to be over the wife as Christ is over the church. There’s a verse somewhere for that...Paul, you seem full of instant verses...?)
Then when I continue to think of it, I think of the great daunting task of submitting my will and fleshly wants to the Lord. A hard task, but one I work toward in the hope and strength of His grace that will overcome.
Think towards the end of Ephesians 5. Note: earlier in that chapter it also talks about how these things will help stop the mouths of foolish people (see also 1 Peter 2)
When I think of submission I think of others. (submitting to me that is.)
Nice Trev.
Right, thanks.
Eph 5:22-24
that was the one I was thinking of.
um... I hate to rain on your crazy parade, but when I think of the word "submition", I instantly think of the very similar word... "SUMBISSION" perhaps ED is right, spell check would be a good idea. ;o)
LOL!!!! HA HA HA laugh with me, I said suMBission! let me try again... S.U.B.M.I.S.S.I.O.N is that right??? Id go for spell check for me too!!!
I saw both of those but opted not to comment due to my reputation as a gentleman. *cough*
Not doing what I want but in defference doing what someone else wants.
ha, yeah Liz it probably would :)
Paul, you have a reputation as a gentleman? When did this happen?
Thank you Nicole, for getting back on if only I was home long enough to find the rough drafts that I made...
a series? what kind of series? sorry I'm out of it... i wasn't around before you started slacking off on the posts ;-)
Submi(t/ss)ion, makes me think of giving up my own will, to follow the leading/direction of another. Giving up my own will being the most important part.
Not too fancy, but oh well :)
amazing that you can have a post that says practically nothing, yet gets heaps of comments! LOL
I know, and that I can be this lazy and not post any thing real....the thing is I have a lot of ideas and a lot of rough drafts....I just don't know what to post in what perplexing
Hey Janel,
I think it's very sweet of you and Trevor to use your entire summer to evangelize to local kids! That is not exciting like going to a forein country, and it's not something that people notice as much, and can be pretty thankless. But it proves that your hearts are really to serve the kids for the Lord!
Good job!
You are amazing
clap clap clap clap clap!
You are amazing
Clap clap clap clap clap!
You are so sweet Nicole!
"Submission"? I think of a biblical priciple ... one that is good, if used in a good and godly way. It's also something I DON'T always enjoy ... ! :->
ok, hon, time to post again!:oP
And you cannot blame it on falling off the face of the earth, because I have seen you too recently to believe THAT one!
ha ha ha, like my new html skills! (nunchuck skills, bow hunting skills, comupter hacking skills...)
When *I* think of submission...I think of how it is time for you to submit to the inevitible and POST AGAIN! :)
*decides not to sermonize on the subject of submission at the moment even though he's got a page of notes ready to go*
wow, Paul, I was about to write I'm not so sure I would want to post something and then deal with YOUR page of notes!
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