Thursday, April 24, 2008

A Series?

Okay so a lot of you knew that I was going to start a series on my blog just before I got super lazy and stopped posting at all....but I'm guessing that most of you forgot here is a question for YOU..... what do you think of when you hear the word SUBMITION?

An Experience with the Telephone

A very poor sweet friend found out today that Janel isn't very coherent at 4:30 in the morning. If you call me that early in the morning I may not mind at all....but I also may not be very easy to talk to and you may need to wait while I: open my eyes, realize that there is a world around me, contemplate the fact that I'm warm in bed, decide that I need to get up, get the motivation to get up, throw the covers off, stumble out of bed, trip over a shoe on my way to the light switch, and fumble for the this time you will only still be on the phone if you are very persistent and really really want me to do something.

Oh and don't sound too cheerful when I pick up...I can't handle cheerful that time in the morning.

Monday, April 21, 2008

First Game of the Season

There was an awesome kick off to this years softball games. One of our co-ed teams lost and the other won....I didn't sign up to play on either and I ended up being asked to play on both for the night. What a blast! I had forgotten how much fun it is to get out and throw a ball around!!! Playing softball is such a great unity building activity. You cannon play with out all of your team members; they are all important. People who would normally never talk to one another now become great buddies and find a common bond in their love for the fresh air and sunshine....and, don't forget, a good ball and bat. Happy playing every one....let the games begin

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Starbucks Drink

My new favorite Starbucks drink is an americano with white chocolate mocha flavoring and whip....only maybe I should leave off the whip. You all should try it some time. It is way better than a normal mocha and much more cost effective.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Day Camp Schedule

I had meant to post this over a week ago. I thought that some of you might want to see a basic schedule from Camp.

8:15 Staff meets for prayer and instruction
9:00 Children arrive, register
9:15 Welcome, Prayer, Announcements (review verses) Songs / Skit
9:30 Bible Time
10:15 Snacks & Group Games
11:00 Verse time with small groups
11:30 Lunch
12:00 FOB (Flat On Bottom, Back or Belly Prince Casipan CD)
12:40 Present Verses
12:50 Craft Time w/ Lego Option
1:20 Snack/ Games / Object Lesson
2:20 Lego Zonk Review
2:25 Songs / Prize Winners / Songs
3:00 Dismissal
3:15 Staff meets for debrief, prayer and announcements

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I'm Back

I am ending a long blogging sabbatical to report that this week I am helping in day camps. I have taken the week off of work (and no, I can't honestly say that I miss it very much) My main objective this week is to learn to be a director. Yesterday afternoon was the first time that I took over the group. Although it didn't go as well as I had hoped nobody died and nobody called the police :). Camps go from 9:00 am till 3:00 pm for the children. The leaders however need to be at the church earlier in order to get into costumes, practice skits, and go over the days events. Please pray for the leaders especially for me as I learn to be a director. Please also pray for the children some of them have very hard harts and need the Lord in their lives. Our hearts desire is to see them saved.

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