Sunday, January 14, 2007

A Good Devotional (book report)

A devotional that I have read recently (Actually last fall) is Idols of the Heart:Learning to Long for God Alone by Elyse Fitzpatrick
Like it's title suggests this book talks about loving God alone and desiring him above all things. I was very much encouraged by this book. Fitzpatrick discuses several characters in the Bible and how they either had an idol that was above God and how this caused destruction in their lives or about those who, although could have easily been tempted to have something in their life be above God, chose to worship Him alone and how they were blessed because of this choice. She also discusses how we are often tempted, not so much by material idols, as by emotional idols. Things like wanting another persons good opinion can often very easily take the place of God in our hears. There are so many temptations that we face every day but must resist in order to have an intimate relationship with God.

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