In case any one ever thought that once one is twenty they are too old to play in the snow. I am here to tell you that is far from the truth. Yesterday I had the grandest of times throwing snow balls and ridding down hills in a toboggan. I am convinced that playing in the snow with friends, neighbors, and family is among the funnest and most invigorating things a person could do. My nose is still a bit sore from one particularly well aimed hit, however I'm sure that it will soon return to normal.
Both today and tomorrow WCC is closed and so I simply won't have the pleasure of going to school Oh, what a shame. I shall try to console myself with the fact that the school work will still be waiting for me even when all the snow melts.
Today I acted slightly more like the adult that I am supposed to be. I worked and did homework during the morning and even the majority of the afternoon. But then it just couldn't be helped. The white fluffy frozen stuff was just calling my name. I had to go outside. My brothers and I went for a very chilling walk down the street and back again. By the time I got back into the house my face was so tight with cold that whenever I smiled my face split in huge dimples, more like deep grooves really, but my mother called them dimples.
Oh, one more very important fact about the snow. Hot chocolate is the way to go. Actually any hot drink is quite appreciated after an hour or two out in the elements. Rooibos tea has a way of warming up a persons insides and hot cider warms a cold throat in just seconds. Yesterday my neighbor introduced me to a new drink. It is like hot chocolate only vanilla flavoring rather than chocolate. As the sweet creamy liquid filled my mouth and slid down my throat I almost made the decision that it was as good as cocoa, but no, there is nothing quite like that old traditional taste of hot cocoa after a long tramp in the snow.
I don't know what adventures tomorrow will hold, but I look forward to them in great anticipation.
Not just one moment...
Defining moments are usually specific points in time. They are often easily
identifiable by one momentous occasion. They stand out in our history,
9 years ago
Awww, Janel--you're a gal after my own heart! I must agree that there is almost no outdoor activity that exceeds that of frolicing int he snow! I absolutely LOVE it! Sledding and snowball fights are the BEST!!!!
Oh, I agree. Have you gotten out there much? The last couple of times I was out there I was about to freez by the time I came in. That wind is so cold!
I agree on the hot cocoa. It is even better if you have it AFTER a cup of tea. ;)
Especially while sitting in bed talking with a good friend.
Miss you!
Yes, I played in the snow a lot. I absolutely love sledding!! We have some awesome hills, so I got lots of sledding in. :)
Do you still have snow? I heard that a lot of it least off of the roads.
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