Friday, November 23, 2007

Where to Begin?

For most of us the question of giving thanks isn't what or who or is where, where to begin. As I pondered this question over the last couple of days I came to this conclusion. We can always start with giving thanks for God. Not for what he has done, but for who He is. What He has done (given us salvation) is of utmost importance to our welfare. However when I thought about how to lead a person to Christ I realized that we don't start with the message salvation or with the state of that person. We start with who God is. Without the basic understanding and appreciation for an all powerful God there is no basis for any thing else. If God were not who He was and is there would be very little to be thankful for.

Without God being Savior - We would be destined to eternal damnation.
Without God being Shepherd - We would be wandering sheep.
Without God being Prince of Peace - We would be in constant turmoil.
Without God being Father – We would be orphans.
Without God being Lord – We would be aimless.
Without God being the Vine – We would be whithering branches.
Without God being Creator – We would not exist.

The fundamentals for our giving of thanks lie in who the God we serve is....And He is good, and He is good all the time and in every way, and he is good enough, and we have a LOT to be thankful for.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Voice

The battle is over human souls the souls of people all around me. The people around me who are hurting, who are suffering. They have no peace they know not the their Maker...but may they know Him. May I be the voice that tells them.

A Little Thought About God's Goodness

Lord, You amaze me. Just beginning to think about You puts me in awe. There is so little that I understand. Please help me to understand more. Thank you for the way you treat me. You do not treat me harshly as I deserve. You are gentle and kind. You have not forgotten the humble state of your maiden. You have remembered her and blessed her with more good things that she even knows.

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