Friday, June 29, 2007

After Taking Science

Several years ago I went to Yellowstone National Park with my family. This year we went again; it was a much different experience this time. Although, a few years ago, I enjoyed seeing geysers spurt and spout and the ground bubble and burp, and was amazed by the things God has created. I had much more appreciation for it this time after having taken geology, biology, and physics in my college courses. This trip taught me that there actually is a reason to study geology. It isn't a useless pastime and it does give you more of an appreciation for the things that God causes nature to do.

Today I had a geyser type experience. It didn't amaze me with God's power and creativity. No, it amazed me by mans lack of control. I went outside to turn on our family's sprinkling system. I started by turning the water on, next I studied the dials that we set up a few years ago to figure out which one I wanted to turn. As I was reaching for the selected dial, the entire system started spurting out water. Water spouted straight up into the air and all over me. I quickly got the water turned off, turned on the dial, and started the water again. This time it only leaked a little, and most of the water went through the pipes under the driveway and over to the roses. Praise the Lord!

God is in full control of every thing that He has set in place. He knows exactly when a geyser is going to burst. Man on the other hand, is not in control of any thing, even the things that we make. Things that we make break whenever God choses to allow them to He is in control of all that was, and is, and is to come.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Climbing, Climbing, Climbing

Hiking straight up into the mountains. Watching towering cascades and streams combine and flow into rivers. The wind blowing my hair in every direction. Walking along a trail surrounded by tall grass and wild flowers of unbelievable beauty and color and each one unique. Dipping my hands into cool stream, water melted from the snow on the summit and splashing the crystal water over my hot face. The experience made me expect to see Heidi and Peter coming along with their little band of goats traipsing behind them. Even more than that, hiking along a trail surrounded by beauty made me think of the One who has created the towering mountains and the tiny wild flowers. What an awesome God we serve who has made all this beauty and given it to mankind.

This experience happened in Glacier National park. I think it may be one of the most beautiful places on earth. Although there are many places that make me think that. God has created so many unique animals, plants and colors. As I go hiking I realize there there is no color that humans have created. Every color that I have seen on a painters pallet or seen in a Crayola box, I have also seen in creation.

My father, brothers and I took a week long vacation to the Colombia River, Yellowstone National Park, and Glacier National Park. That is why it has been awhile since I have posted. I will try to have more comments about the trip and some pictures soon.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Kindergarten Quotes

My time working in kindergarten is over for very sad. I thought you would enjoy some of the things that they said.

F: “Why does nobody like me?”
O: “Well, if you would just stop picking your nose.”

Ky: “me do it.”

Ky: (when asked to read a line in a book) “I can't know it.”

A: “Miss Janel, do you have a husband?”
I: “Well, when are you going to get one?”
Kim: “Miss Janel! You're NOT Listening TO ME!!!”

Ray: “I'm dumping my girlfriend”.

RaJ: “Oh! Miss Janel! You color good!”

Miss Janel: “What are you doing to me?” (as her arms are being pulled)
N: “I'm making you hug me.”

Jo: “I have two girlfriends”
Ray: “Well, I have three girlfriends” (I hope I don't know them when they are in high school)

N: “We have to find a boy to dance with.”
T: “Miss Janel, will you dance with me?”

Ky: (Everyone is working quietly when all of a sudden, very firmly) “I'm not a cat!”

(a discussion between the class and a substitute teacher)
child: “When are you getting married”
teacher: “In August”
child: “Did you get your dress already?”
teacher: “Yes I did.”
child: “What color is it?”

(these are just a few random examples of every day in kindergarten)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Do you ever feel exhausted by your own sin? When I feel this way I think about how nice it will be to be in heaven. There will be no more pain, no more sadness, no more sin. I think that sinning is what I'm most tired of. Do you ever wake up in the morning just tired of sinning and wishing that you could make it though the day being perfect but know that you can't? In heaven we will wake up every morning (if there is such a thing as morning there) and be fully prepared to worship our Lord perfectly.

Friday, June 8, 2007

A Day of Catastrophe

Yesterday I decided that I had better allow myself a little bit of caffeine by noon. I even pampered myself by allowing it to be in the form of Dr. Pepper. You see the day before that was a day of catastrophe I didn't think I could handle being that uncoordinated again. Let me tell you a little bit about that day.

Wednesday morning, I wake up refreshed and ready for a lovely Thursday. It isn't until I get to the kindergarten class that I work in that I found out that it was still Wednesday, and I only found this out because a kindergartener told me. If a kindergartener is teaching me, then what does that make me? That morning I helped the children with their painting. I honestly think that I got more bright yellow paint on my clothes that the children got on their paper.

Next I go to work. Shortly after arriving I find myself filling orders: original pretzel, cheese sauce and a medium soda. I start by putting the ice into the cup, then fill it with soda, snap on a lid and grab a straw. Next I bring the soda over to the customer. As I set it down I give her a big smile and promptly knock the cup off the counter onto her. Coca-cola and ice go flying everywhere. The line of customers steadily grows as I try to save the poor but cheerful lady from my catastrophe. Finally we get the soda cleaned up and serve all the guests. Looking around, the store is spotless. Every thing has been well cleaned while the pop was being moped up. After things calm down a bit the other ladies that I worked with begin laughing. I continue to keep them entertained by various acts of clumsiness for the remainder of the afternoon. (not on purpose mind you) I leave work to affectionate statements such as “try not to kill anybody.”

I decide to grab an ice green tea before leaving the mall. However, on my way to Tea Quent I realize that my hat is still on my head. I rush back to my locker and toss the unwanted item as quickly as possible. Hurriedly I walk back to get my green tea. However I realize that my wallet is missing. Oh, no! Where could it have gone? Looking down I realize that my hat is still in my hand. Going back to my locker I discover that I threw my wallet in to it rather than my hat. As I leave the store front again, I am questioned by the women who have been entertained by me all afternoon. This time they are bent over with laughter.

I get my tea and head off to school. Everything goes smoothly until later that evening when my brothers amuse themselves by trying to look at each other through my ears (since surely there must not be any thing between my two ears to block their vision.) My mother notices their odd behavior and instructs them to stop. Dad confirms this command saying “there's nothing in there any way.” That wound up my day in a nice tidy package. Is there any thing in my head? Some days I wonder.

(in case anyone was wondering, all the instances when someone was sarcastic or laughing at me it was very good natured and kind. Really, even if it doesn't sound quite that way in writing)

Monday, June 4, 2007

Things You Didn't Think You Needed To Know

Actually you probably don't need to know them, maybe you don't even want to know them, but I must tell them to you because I was tagged with a “tell little well known facts about you” so here it goes.

1) I was born with a stomach condition that kept me from being able to properly consume food. That problem has been well fixed.

2) I have a freckle on my toe next to the big one on my right foot. It is the most exciting thing about my feet, otherwise there is nothing to say about them.

3) My hair color sometimes changes, depending on the time of year.

4)Horses and deep water both scare me, but riding and swimming are two of my favorite activities (that at one time or another I was fairly good at) .

5) I have never had the chicken pox.

6) When I was little I wanted to be just like the Little Mermaid (but I could never figure out how to grow a tail.)

7) I have been in 5 different countries -United States, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, and Hondurans (I was in Hondurans for less than a day though)

8)I really enjoy rock climbing.

9) I like coffee cold better than hot.

10) And for the grand finally....hmm, is there any thing left? I guess I'll just tell you something that is pretty well known (at least by many of my friends). I love my family and every thing that God has given me, I have always been interested in ministry, I love teaching children, I love many places on earth but home is my favorite, I'm a child of God, saved only by His grace.

I tag Lisa, Trevor, Amanda, and any one else who feels like doing this (It really is optional so don't feel like you have to if you don't want to)

Saturday, June 2, 2007

These Things are True of You

Unshakable, immovable, faithful and true
Full of wisdom strength and beauty
These things are true of You

Fearless, courageous; righteousness shines through in all you do
Yet You’re so humble, You laid down your life:
These things are true of You

And as I turn my face to You
Oh Lord, I ask and pray
By the power of Your love and Grace
Make these things true of me too
Make these things true of me too

Patient, compassionate, love flows through you
You never give up on hopeless ones
These things are true of You

Holy and blameless You stand up for justice and truth
Yet you love mercy and forgiveness
These things are true of You

Artist: Tommy Walker

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