Saturday, December 29, 2007

A Morning to Remember

Friday morning I knew I would need to get up early and thus set my alarm so that I would be able to get to work in time to open the doors, unload the dishwashers and turn on the phone system and all this by the early hour of 6:00. When my alarm went off the first time I subconsciously hit the snooze button, still too tired to face the morning. Ten minutes later it goes off again and I jump up afraid that I will be late. Hurriedly I wash my face, get dressed, make sure I have my code for the security system, throw my hair up, and toss some makeup on my face (so that I would at least look a little bit awake.) Then I run out to the car and drive into town in a somewhat balmy (for December) but very dark environment. About a quarter mile from the office I look at the clock. Hmmm that's funny, the clock says that it is 4:35. I wonder why it says that. It takes me five minutes, but I park my car, turn off the alarm, and get to the break room to unload the first dishwasher of the day. Much to my amazement the clock says 4:40. Interesting how can both clocks say that it is that early. Before even opening the dishwasher I rush to the computer at the front desk and log in so that I can consult the clock. It says 4:41. What am I doing here at such an ungodly hour? My mind is racing What should I do? Is it safe here even with the doors still locked? Should I go home? Can I go back to sleep? The last option sounds the best, so I go into one of the offices and lay down on the floor with my coat beneath my head. Immediately I become aware that the the floor has very little padding and I'm not likely to sleep.

Not long after that I hear the phone beeping. That is odd I haven't turned the phone on yet. It isn't supposed to be ringing. I get up and go to investigate who is calling. I pick up the phone thinking that it may be someone from the company, my boss maybe? But no, it is a customer who wants help with his software. I tell him that someone will call him back as soon as possible. His voice sounds creepy and he is none too happy that he will not be immediately helped. His reaction did not make me feel any more secure and the milling homeless people outside aren't helping me feel any safer. I decide to hop in the car and go to the nearest Starbucks. As I approach I see nothing but darkness inside the building. Oh, they must not have crazy people who open before 5:00 in the morning. Still somewhat frightened I head down the street toward home. About a mile down the street I realize that as soon as I get home I will have to start back to work again. So I do a u-turn and head back. Dashing back into the building I grab my Bible and head to one of the back offices to read. Now the time passes quickly and the next thing I know it is time to unload the dishwashers. By the time I turn on the phone I can see other people coming into work (the time I should be at work). So I merrily begin taking phone calls and passing them onto various departments. Then, a problem arises, multiple people, from multiple departments tell me that they cannot log into their phone. Oh bother, Now I will have to send each call to individual people rather than an entire department. In between these calls I make a phone call of my own to one of two people who can fix the phone system (he happened to be on vacation) after a few rings. I hear a groggy “This is J______ “ on the other end. I relay the message that no one is able to log into their phone and he promises to take a look. I take call after call until every one who is at work is on the phone. Then I start taking call back numbers. Pretty soon the net worker calls back and informs me that the phones are fixed. Ah finally, but my chore isn't done. Several people need to talk with someone in accounting and usually this would be no problem as one of our sweet accounting ladies is usually in early in the morning. However this morning is an exception. So I take more call back numbers to be passed along.

Around 8:00 two of the guys from the Customer Support department drop by the front desk and offer to get me a drink from Starbucks. I thank them, but politely inform them that another friend and I will go in a little bit. By 8:30 all the callbacks have been passed on and another receptionist is there to take my place so I can go about my other duties for Customer Support. However, first, a Starbucks run is in order for the day. So my friend E_______ and I brave our way through the rain down the street to Starbuks (lesson learned, when someone offerers to get you something and it is raining-take them up on the offer.) After grabbing a grande latte (and apple cider for E______) we head off to grab some breakfast from the French bakery.

Back safe and sound at my desk I am informed by an accountant that my phone picks up all on its own whether I'm there or not. Apparently it doesn't need me. Why I go into work at all I really don't know. The afternoon is not nearly as exciting but I keep myself on a caffeine high for the rest of the afternoon and into the evening while company is over. Then at 11:00 I crash in bed and stay there until 9:00 the next morning.

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas

I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a wonderful time surrounded by those you love.

Merry Christmas to the Persecuted?

A picture comes to my mind, a mother wither her daughters snuggled on a couch praying. This picture seems warm and sweet. What more could they want? Until I realize what they are gathered together to pray for. They are praying for the head of the household, the father, the husband. He is in prison. No, he didn't murder any one, no, he didn't steal, no, he wasn't even speeding, and he didn't get a parking ticket. This man was a pastor. His crime, preaching the message of salvation. Hundreds of men, women, and children have been put in prison and even murdered for no more than believing in Jesus Christ. Their glory and reward is waiting for them in Heaven. This, and only this is why they can have a Merry Christmas. Their God is great...our God is great.

Monday, December 17, 2007

"One Heartbeat At A Time

You're up all night with a screaming baby
You run all day at the speed of life
And every day you feel a little bit less
like the beautiful woman you are.

So you fall into bed when you run out of hours
and you wonder if anything worth doing got done
Well maybe you just don't know
or maybe you've forgotten.

That you, you are changing the world
one little heartbeat at a time
Making history with every touch and every smile
Oh you, you may not see it now
but I believe that time will tell
how you, you are changing the world
one little heartbeat at a time

With every, “I know you can do it”
and every tear that you kiss away
So many little things that seem to go unnoticed
they're just like the drops of rain
over time, they become a river

And you, you are changing the world
one little heartbeat at a time
Making history with every touch and every smile
Oh you, you may not see it now
but I believe that time will tell
how you, you are changing he world
one little heartbeat at a time.

You're beautiful, so beautiful
how you're changing the world, year you're
changing the world

You, you are changing the world
one little heartbeat at a time
Making history with every touch and every smile
Oh you, you may not see it now
but I believe that time will tell
how you, you are changing the world
I believe that you, you are changing the world
one little heartbeat at a time.

by Steven Curtis Chapman

Friday, December 14, 2007

A Gentleman

Has it really been that long since I last updated. Wow. Here is a quote that I was very decided not to share... but then changed my mind.

A Gentleman's Conduct Toward Ladies.
Gentlemen are at liberty to invite their lady friends to concerts, operas, balls, etc.,to call upon them at their homes, to ride and drive with them, and make themselves agreeable to all young ladies to whom their company is acceptable. In fact they are at liberty to accept invitations and give them ad libitum. As soon, however, as a young gentleman neglects all others, to devote himself to a single lady, he gives that lady reason to suppose that he is particularly attracted to her, and ma give her cause to believe that she is to become engaged to him,without telling her so. A gentleman who does not contemplate matrimony should not pay too exclusive attention to any one lady.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Where to Begin?

For most of us the question of giving thanks isn't what or who or is where, where to begin. As I pondered this question over the last couple of days I came to this conclusion. We can always start with giving thanks for God. Not for what he has done, but for who He is. What He has done (given us salvation) is of utmost importance to our welfare. However when I thought about how to lead a person to Christ I realized that we don't start with the message salvation or with the state of that person. We start with who God is. Without the basic understanding and appreciation for an all powerful God there is no basis for any thing else. If God were not who He was and is there would be very little to be thankful for.

Without God being Savior - We would be destined to eternal damnation.
Without God being Shepherd - We would be wandering sheep.
Without God being Prince of Peace - We would be in constant turmoil.
Without God being Father – We would be orphans.
Without God being Lord – We would be aimless.
Without God being the Vine – We would be whithering branches.
Without God being Creator – We would not exist.

The fundamentals for our giving of thanks lie in who the God we serve is....And He is good, and He is good all the time and in every way, and he is good enough, and we have a LOT to be thankful for.

Thursday, November 1, 2007

The Voice

The battle is over human souls the souls of people all around me. The people around me who are hurting, who are suffering. They have no peace they know not the their Maker...but may they know Him. May I be the voice that tells them.

A Little Thought About God's Goodness

Lord, You amaze me. Just beginning to think about You puts me in awe. There is so little that I understand. Please help me to understand more. Thank you for the way you treat me. You do not treat me harshly as I deserve. You are gentle and kind. You have not forgotten the humble state of your maiden. You have remembered her and blessed her with more good things that she even knows.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

My Day

Well the other day I started about three drafts for various posts but nothing quite came to finishing so I thought I would just give an update on my life.

Today was one of those days when you have to preach a sermon to yourself just to get out of bed. It was also one of those days when you could probably forget your own name. As you get to work and turn on the computer you realize you were supposed to have called a friend to see when she would like to get together, then that you also needed to tell a friend that it would not work to get together this weekend. Then notice a note on the desk with an invitation to a party on the 24th. Oh the 24th thats no big problem at least I still have plenty of time to RSVP to that. Wait! What's today? You realize you have absolutely no idea and start looking at the emails you had received to check the date. Shoot it's the 24th today! You start to feel a little guilty for forgetting so many things when you get an email reminding you that you are supposed to get a shot that day. Good grief! What next?

You promise to send someone something in the mail but forget to ask for their street address.
You forget to eat breakfast even though you are hungry.
You feel tired so you decide to drink two cups of coffee and then go onto a caffeine high but are still tired.

The list just goes on.

Oh, and by the way, in case you ever wanted to know. Getting a shot in the break room at work with people standing around watching is less than a flattering pose.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

The Days Are Just Too Short!

I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read and all the friends I want to see.
-John Burroughs

Sunday, September 30, 2007


Since it doesn't appear that I can get away without saying something. I guess I had better give a mini report.

I have a couple of stalkers madly chasing me down. At every turn I see them. They relay the same message at every meeting. In low, raspy tones they drone “Post something” Post something” The drums begin to rumble the earth begins to shake. On and on the droning goes “Post something” “Post something” Like the scene from Finding Nemo when he swims through the bubbles in the aquarium at the dentist. “Post something” “Post something.”

Please do not worry about me. I can word of the evil intruders and put them back in their place.
For any one who doesn't know me very well I am totally joking and if you have been so deprived as to not having seen Finding Nemo, please, don't feel discouraged because....there really weren't any drums.

Monday, September 17, 2007


"Tomorrow is a mystery. Today is a gift. That is why it is called the present."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Comparing Standards by God or by Others

“Has it ever occurred to you that one hundred pianos all tuned to the same fork are automatically tuned to each other? They are of one accord by being tuned, not to each other, but to another standard to which each one must individually bow.” AW Tozer

Likewise we should not measure ourselves to the stander of those around us but by God's standard and if we as the church measure to Christ's standard then we will also be “tuned” to one another.

Here are some words that a very wise friend shared with me once.

“I know it's hard to remember that we're measuring our lives by the world's standards, but we MUST remember that we can't live our life by one principle—obedience to Christ—and measure it by another—what others expect of us. If we are going to live to obey we MUST be satisfied with God's pleasure in our obedience no matter what others think.”

It isn't that we measure ourselves by another “piano” but we measure ourselves by the ultimate “tuning fork” the Lord Jesus Christ

Friday, September 14, 2007

New Job

I have made it through the first week of a new job. Training has been a little intense at times, after the first day I was almost lead to believe my head would explode before the week was up. However, it seems that it is still all there and may feel slightly swollen at times but is none the worse for ware and tare. Actually, I have been enjoying training quite a lot. This week I was trained not only in how to perform for the job but also to resist the “fiery darts” of my coworkers. Okay, maybe not fiery darts. Maybe they are more like rubber tipped darts. Any way, part of my training has included dart throwing lessons (a most amusing pastime).

Training has taken up quite a bit of time and energy this week. I have had energy for little else, but at least learning is very enjoyable.

Sorry, I'm not saying outright where I work (at least not on line for now) but some of you already know and if you don't you probably have my email address and can ask me.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Never Give Up

Never be sad or desponding,
If thou hath faith to believe,
Grace, for the duties before thee
Ask of thy God and receive.
Never give up, never give up,
Never give up to they sorrows,
Jesus will bid them depart,
Trust in the Lord, trust in the Lord.
Sing when your trials are greatest
Trust in the Lord and take heart!
Fanny Crosby

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

A Little Of Shi-Shi


If you like hiking with a large pack on your back...
If you like climbing rocks...
If exploring tide pools is a great incentive to get up early...
If you consider a pit toilet a luxury...
If you don't mind surfing in cold cloudy (yet lovely and beautiful) western Washington...
If you love seeing wild life like river otters...
If you like exploring in the woods for the trail you are supposed to be following...
If you like camping on a sandy beach....
gathering your own fire wood...
cleaning your dishes in the surf...
getting soaked...
pumping water and having it still come out looking like iced tea...
going for long walks and runs along the water...

Then you would love to go to Shi-Shi Beach.

My Dad and brothers and I recently went to Shi-Shi Beach and had such a good time I just had to tell you all about it.

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Submission Versus Obedience

Awhile ago I promised to do a series on obedience/submission. This may not have any great spiritual advice but here are some thoughts.

Something about those two words ("submit" and "obey") that has been on my mind for a long time is how they are used interchangeably and yet somewhat different in meaning.According to Merriam Webster Dictionary

-Submit means to 1) commit to the discretion or decision of another or of others, 2) yield, surrender.

-Obey means to follow the commands or guidance comply with.

Essentially to obey is an action and to submit is a heart attitude. To obey I have to do as I'm told. To submit I have to put myself under another's authority. I must want to obey them. This may involve an emotional struggle while obeying is mainly labor involved in the command that is being obeyed. Submission calls for a control of the emotions not just a control of physical actions. In fact, submission might not be in the form of a physical action at all, but rather the attitude of being under authority.

Furthermore, to obey implies a one time action while submission implies a lifestyle. For example you obey a command, while you submit to a person (as an ongoing thing).

We use these words interchangeably because not only are they similar in meaning but they are commanded to us by God for the same reason-to bring order in the family, the church, the workplace, and the government.

Monday, August 27, 2007

drivers license

As she headed down the street she was thankful that renewing ones drivers license only comes once every five years. She confidently enter the parking lot and began scanning the buildings for the right one. Finally she find it and pull into a parking place not far from the front door. She quickly strode into the building and stopped. It didn't quite look right but she was not to be deterred. However, approaching the counter and asking to get her drivers license renewed only produced being told that she was in the wrong place and having her mind befuddled with a far too complex description of how to get to the proper building. Hopping back into the car, she pulled out of the parking lot much less confidently that she had pulled in. Thankful that there was not a drive test on being directionally challenged she drove down the street a few yards bringing her to the right place and again she got out of the car and entered, what this time was labeled as-"driving license."

On entering the double doors she was confronted with a machine with the instructions “take only one.” This would have been a simple command to follow, expect for the fact that she didn't know which one to take from. There were several different descriptions for different needs such as “change of name” “replace lost license” and several others. Still, it doesn't sound like such a hard choice, however, she needed to both renew her license and get the address changed. As she stood dumbly staring at the machine two men walked up behind her and very politely waited for her to pick a button and take a ticket from the machine. Finally one of them made a noise and she motioned for them to go ahead of her. After they had picked their numbers she decided to take the one that said “renew license.” Sitting down she found it hard to concentrate on her book and on making sure her number didn't get skipped. Soon it was her turn and she walked up to the counter where she handed in her license which she had, for nearly five years been sure to take with her every where, only to have a large hole stamped right through it. Then she was asked the question “Do you want organ donater put on your license?” Hardly recovering from the sudden and appalling image of having her organs taken out and put into another body she asked in a shocked tone “they put that on the license?”

Soon she was having her picture taken by a friendly lady with a heavy accent and was handed her flimsy piece of paper with a picture that looked like a ghost of her actual appearance, or what she hoped was only a ghost of her actual appearance. Briskly she walked out the door and the short adventure of the licensing office was least for another few years.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

Just as God leads

Just as God leads me I would go;
I would not ask to choose my way;
Content with what He will bestow,
Assured He will not let me stray.
So as He leads, my path I make,
And step by step I gladly take,
A child in Him confiding.
Lampertus Gedicke

Friday, August 17, 2007

Knowing How to Obey

Not long ago I started thinking about my relationship with my parents. I grew up being taught to obey my parents, but as I thought about it I couldn't remember the last time that I had really obeyed them. This wasn't because of my rebellious nature or because I am not close to them, but rather because it had been so long since they had given me a command. Having lived with them for over twenty years I have learned how to please them and continually strive to do so even before they tell me what they want. I obey and serve them out of love rather than because I am told to.

As I thought about how my relationship with them had changed as I matured the Lord asked me some questions. “Why isn't your relationship with Me like that?” “Why do you wonder what you should do with your life?” “Why don't you know the Word I have given you well enough to anticipate my directions?” I had no answer for these. I know my parents well enough to follow their will without verbal direction, yet do I know the God of the universe well enough to follow Him? Have I taken the time to notice the commands He has given? Have I practiced His commands frequently enough that I know which direction He would want me to go with my life? This doesn't mean that I will ever just know His will without taking time to pray and seek His favor. However, the hours I spend worrying over what He wants me to do, or talking about how I want to know the Lord's will in my life are in vain. He has given His pattern for us to follow and learn how to do His will. We need to practice obeying the commands He has already given, being faithful in the small things, then He will give us larger things and His specific will, will be more clear for us.

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

The Teacup

There was a couple who used to go to England to shop in the beautiful stores. They both liked antiques, pottery, and especially teacups. This was their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary.
One day in this beautiful show they saw a beautiful teacup. They said,”May we see that? We've never seen one quite so beautiful,: As the lady handed it to them, suddenly the teacup spoke. “You don't understand,” it said. “I haven't always been a teacup. There was a time when I was red and I was clay. My master took me and rolled and and patted me over and over, I yelled out, 'Let me alone,' but he only smiled, 'not yet.'

“Then I was placed on a spinning wheel.” the teacup said :”And suddenly I was spun around and around and around. 'Stop it! I'm getting dizzy' I screamed. But the master only nodded and said 'Not yet.'

“Then he put me in the oven. I never felt such heat. I wondered why he wanted to burn me, I yelled and knocked at the door. I could see him through the opening, I could read his lips as he shook his head, 'Not yet.'

“Finally the door opened, he put me on the shelf, and I began to cool. 'There, that's better,' I said. And he brushed and painted me all over. The fumes were horrible. I thought I would gag. 'Stop it, stop it!' I cried. He only nodded, 'Not yet.'

“Then suddenly he put me back in the oven, not like the first one. This was twice as hot and I knew I would suffocate. I begged. I screamed. I cried. All the time I could see him through the opening, nodding his head and saying, 'Not yet.'

“Then I knew there wasn't any hope. I would never make it. I was ready to give up. But the door opened and he took me out and placed me on the shelf. One hour later he handed me a mirror and said, 'Look at yourself.' And I did. I said 'Thant's not me; that couldn't me me It's beautiful. I'm beautiful.'

“ 'I want you to remember, then,' he said, 'I know it hurts to be rolled and patted, but if I had left you alone, you'd have dried up. I know it made you dizzy to spin around on the wheel, but if I had stopped, you would have crumbled. I knew it hurt and was hot and disagreeable in the oven, but if I hadn't put you there, you would have cracked. I know the fumes were bad when I brushed and painted you all over, but if I hadn't done that, you never would have hardened; you wouldn't have had any color in your life. And if I hadn't put you back in the second oven, you wouldn't have survived for very long because the hardness would not have held. Now you are a finished product. You are what I had in mind when I first began you'"

God knows what He's doing for all of us. He is the potter, and we are His clay. He will mold us and make us, so that we may be made into a flawless piece of work to fulfill His good, pleasing and perfect will

Author Unknown

Isaiah 45:9 “Who to the one who quarrels with his Maker-An earthenware vessel among the vessels of the earth! Will the clay say to the potter, 'What are you doing?” Or the thing you are making say, 'He has no hands'?”

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Birds and Peaches

One of my favorite parts of spring and summer is listening to the birds singing as I wake up in the morning. A few days ago, a baby barn swallow made it's way into our home. It had fallen out of it's mothers nest in our barn onto the floor and was left. Now it is in a box with a lamp above to keep it warm and water and worms close by for my brother to stick down it's tiny throat. It is still unknown what will become of our feathered friend when it gets older, but for now it has been given a chance to live a quiet cozy life.

Another one of my favorite parts of summer is all the fresh fruits and vegetables. My father and brothers brought back boxes of peaches and some nectarines for our family from eastern Washington. Now we have been freezing peaches, baking with peaches, and just plain eating peaches. It is amazing to me how yummy they can be. We have also been harvesting a number of veggies from the garden. Green beans, snow peas, lettuce, potatoes etc.

Through both having a baby bird in the house and through taking note of all the color and tastes of summer fruit I have just been amazing at how much God has made just for our pleasure. He is so good and so amazing. His power is constantly displayed in His creation.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Camping Time

Another church camp out has come and gone. This year it seemed as if we came and left all in one moment. Every conversation, every game, every moment by the camp fire with friends seemed to fly by. How good it is to have a time to be together for a few days and get to know one another better. I'm so thankful for the time to spend with friends, playing volley ball and making smores and enjoying each others company. I'm also thankful for those I spent time with talking about deeper subjects and keeping each other accountable. Now we can look forward to next year, and all that is in store for us.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The Great Exchange

While reading the book for the third time (it's really that good) “A Young Woman After God's Own Heart” by Elizabeth George I came across these lines.

My weariness for His strength,
My weakness for His power,
My darkness for His light,
My problems for His solutions,
My burdens for His freedom,
My frustrations for His peace,
My turmoil for His calm,
My hopes for His promises,
My afflictions for His balm of comfort,
My questions for His answers,
My confusion for His knowledge,
My doubt for His assurance,
My nothingness for His awesomeness,
The temporal for the eternal, and the impossible for the possible!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Lord help me live from day to day
In such a self-forgetful way,
That even when I kneel to pray
My prayers will be for others.

Others, Lord, yes others,
Let this my motto be;
Help me to live for others,
That I might live like Thee.

-Author Unknown

Friday, July 20, 2007

Dare I Say This?

I wish Thy way
But when in me myself would rise
And long for something otherwise
Then, Holy One, take sward and spear
And slay

by Amy Charmichael

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Long Overdue Report

Recently (actually maybe not quite that recently) A friend told me that I should make a post about the thing that have happened lately. So here is the basic outline of how the Lord has been directing me lately.

I graduated from Whatcom Community College with an AA in Elementary Education about a month ago. Although I am extremely glad that I have gone to college I don't know yet if the Lord will lead me into more academic endeavorers. Right now I'm content to pursue other things.

Right after graduation my dad, brothers and I went on a vacations, you will probably see pictures around soon (whenever I take the time to post them off my brother's computer)
Since those things I have been working a lot, gardening a lot, helping my aunt and grandmother, and looking into soap making in order to sell specialty soaps. I'm still praying about what to do in the fall. The summer is going by very quickly for me.

Sunday, July 15, 2007


I realized this evening that it has been awhile since I have written a blog post. I figured there were many things that I could say...but I wanted to post something that would encourage and uplift those who read. I decided to open up my Bible to 2 Corinthians (a place the Lord has been having me read from a lot lately) my eye immediately fell on this verse.

2 Corinthians 4:16 Therefore we do not lose heart, but though our outer man is decaying, yet our inner man is being renewed day by day.

Is your inner man being renewed? Are you allowing God to work in you and revive your spirit? Life can be so frustrating at times. Much of this week I have been worried and perplexed over several things, and not allowing the Lord to renew me. He has been teaching me that if He can create me (which He obviously can) then He can also fulfill all my desires, if that is in His will. Allow Him to renew your spirit. Your body will eventually die...but your spirit will live on forever. Allow the Lord to renew it in His way and timing.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Calvary Love

If I wonder why something trying is allowed,
and press for prayer that it may be removed;
if I cannot be trusted with any disappointment,
and cannot go on in peace under any mystery,
then I know nothing of Calvary Love
Amy Carmichael

Monday, July 2, 2007

Spared by the Spirit

This verse made me think I had to go back and read it over again.

Galations 5:17 For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please.

According to the Bible Knowledge Commentary, this verse is saying that, if allowed, the Holy Spirit will “block” us from doing the wrong things that our old man would naturally do. Not only does Christ save us from our sin, but the Holy Spirit keeps us from continuing to sin as much as our unsaved selves would. I think that is so amazing. God is so good to us.

Friday, June 29, 2007

After Taking Science

Several years ago I went to Yellowstone National Park with my family. This year we went again; it was a much different experience this time. Although, a few years ago, I enjoyed seeing geysers spurt and spout and the ground bubble and burp, and was amazed by the things God has created. I had much more appreciation for it this time after having taken geology, biology, and physics in my college courses. This trip taught me that there actually is a reason to study geology. It isn't a useless pastime and it does give you more of an appreciation for the things that God causes nature to do.

Today I had a geyser type experience. It didn't amaze me with God's power and creativity. No, it amazed me by mans lack of control. I went outside to turn on our family's sprinkling system. I started by turning the water on, next I studied the dials that we set up a few years ago to figure out which one I wanted to turn. As I was reaching for the selected dial, the entire system started spurting out water. Water spouted straight up into the air and all over me. I quickly got the water turned off, turned on the dial, and started the water again. This time it only leaked a little, and most of the water went through the pipes under the driveway and over to the roses. Praise the Lord!

God is in full control of every thing that He has set in place. He knows exactly when a geyser is going to burst. Man on the other hand, is not in control of any thing, even the things that we make. Things that we make break whenever God choses to allow them to He is in control of all that was, and is, and is to come.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Climbing, Climbing, Climbing

Hiking straight up into the mountains. Watching towering cascades and streams combine and flow into rivers. The wind blowing my hair in every direction. Walking along a trail surrounded by tall grass and wild flowers of unbelievable beauty and color and each one unique. Dipping my hands into cool stream, water melted from the snow on the summit and splashing the crystal water over my hot face. The experience made me expect to see Heidi and Peter coming along with their little band of goats traipsing behind them. Even more than that, hiking along a trail surrounded by beauty made me think of the One who has created the towering mountains and the tiny wild flowers. What an awesome God we serve who has made all this beauty and given it to mankind.

This experience happened in Glacier National park. I think it may be one of the most beautiful places on earth. Although there are many places that make me think that. God has created so many unique animals, plants and colors. As I go hiking I realize there there is no color that humans have created. Every color that I have seen on a painters pallet or seen in a Crayola box, I have also seen in creation.

My father, brothers and I took a week long vacation to the Colombia River, Yellowstone National Park, and Glacier National Park. That is why it has been awhile since I have posted. I will try to have more comments about the trip and some pictures soon.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Kindergarten Quotes

My time working in kindergarten is over for very sad. I thought you would enjoy some of the things that they said.

F: “Why does nobody like me?”
O: “Well, if you would just stop picking your nose.”

Ky: “me do it.”

Ky: (when asked to read a line in a book) “I can't know it.”

A: “Miss Janel, do you have a husband?”
I: “Well, when are you going to get one?”
Kim: “Miss Janel! You're NOT Listening TO ME!!!”

Ray: “I'm dumping my girlfriend”.

RaJ: “Oh! Miss Janel! You color good!”

Miss Janel: “What are you doing to me?” (as her arms are being pulled)
N: “I'm making you hug me.”

Jo: “I have two girlfriends”
Ray: “Well, I have three girlfriends” (I hope I don't know them when they are in high school)

N: “We have to find a boy to dance with.”
T: “Miss Janel, will you dance with me?”

Ky: (Everyone is working quietly when all of a sudden, very firmly) “I'm not a cat!”

(a discussion between the class and a substitute teacher)
child: “When are you getting married”
teacher: “In August”
child: “Did you get your dress already?”
teacher: “Yes I did.”
child: “What color is it?”

(these are just a few random examples of every day in kindergarten)

Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Do you ever feel exhausted by your own sin? When I feel this way I think about how nice it will be to be in heaven. There will be no more pain, no more sadness, no more sin. I think that sinning is what I'm most tired of. Do you ever wake up in the morning just tired of sinning and wishing that you could make it though the day being perfect but know that you can't? In heaven we will wake up every morning (if there is such a thing as morning there) and be fully prepared to worship our Lord perfectly.

Friday, June 8, 2007

A Day of Catastrophe

Yesterday I decided that I had better allow myself a little bit of caffeine by noon. I even pampered myself by allowing it to be in the form of Dr. Pepper. You see the day before that was a day of catastrophe I didn't think I could handle being that uncoordinated again. Let me tell you a little bit about that day.

Wednesday morning, I wake up refreshed and ready for a lovely Thursday. It isn't until I get to the kindergarten class that I work in that I found out that it was still Wednesday, and I only found this out because a kindergartener told me. If a kindergartener is teaching me, then what does that make me? That morning I helped the children with their painting. I honestly think that I got more bright yellow paint on my clothes that the children got on their paper.

Next I go to work. Shortly after arriving I find myself filling orders: original pretzel, cheese sauce and a medium soda. I start by putting the ice into the cup, then fill it with soda, snap on a lid and grab a straw. Next I bring the soda over to the customer. As I set it down I give her a big smile and promptly knock the cup off the counter onto her. Coca-cola and ice go flying everywhere. The line of customers steadily grows as I try to save the poor but cheerful lady from my catastrophe. Finally we get the soda cleaned up and serve all the guests. Looking around, the store is spotless. Every thing has been well cleaned while the pop was being moped up. After things calm down a bit the other ladies that I worked with begin laughing. I continue to keep them entertained by various acts of clumsiness for the remainder of the afternoon. (not on purpose mind you) I leave work to affectionate statements such as “try not to kill anybody.”

I decide to grab an ice green tea before leaving the mall. However, on my way to Tea Quent I realize that my hat is still on my head. I rush back to my locker and toss the unwanted item as quickly as possible. Hurriedly I walk back to get my green tea. However I realize that my wallet is missing. Oh, no! Where could it have gone? Looking down I realize that my hat is still in my hand. Going back to my locker I discover that I threw my wallet in to it rather than my hat. As I leave the store front again, I am questioned by the women who have been entertained by me all afternoon. This time they are bent over with laughter.

I get my tea and head off to school. Everything goes smoothly until later that evening when my brothers amuse themselves by trying to look at each other through my ears (since surely there must not be any thing between my two ears to block their vision.) My mother notices their odd behavior and instructs them to stop. Dad confirms this command saying “there's nothing in there any way.” That wound up my day in a nice tidy package. Is there any thing in my head? Some days I wonder.

(in case anyone was wondering, all the instances when someone was sarcastic or laughing at me it was very good natured and kind. Really, even if it doesn't sound quite that way in writing)

Monday, June 4, 2007

Things You Didn't Think You Needed To Know

Actually you probably don't need to know them, maybe you don't even want to know them, but I must tell them to you because I was tagged with a “tell little well known facts about you” so here it goes.

1) I was born with a stomach condition that kept me from being able to properly consume food. That problem has been well fixed.

2) I have a freckle on my toe next to the big one on my right foot. It is the most exciting thing about my feet, otherwise there is nothing to say about them.

3) My hair color sometimes changes, depending on the time of year.

4)Horses and deep water both scare me, but riding and swimming are two of my favorite activities (that at one time or another I was fairly good at) .

5) I have never had the chicken pox.

6) When I was little I wanted to be just like the Little Mermaid (but I could never figure out how to grow a tail.)

7) I have been in 5 different countries -United States, Canada, Mexico, Guatemala, and Hondurans (I was in Hondurans for less than a day though)

8)I really enjoy rock climbing.

9) I like coffee cold better than hot.

10) And for the grand finally....hmm, is there any thing left? I guess I'll just tell you something that is pretty well known (at least by many of my friends). I love my family and every thing that God has given me, I have always been interested in ministry, I love teaching children, I love many places on earth but home is my favorite, I'm a child of God, saved only by His grace.

I tag Lisa, Trevor, Amanda, and any one else who feels like doing this (It really is optional so don't feel like you have to if you don't want to)

Saturday, June 2, 2007

These Things are True of You

Unshakable, immovable, faithful and true
Full of wisdom strength and beauty
These things are true of You

Fearless, courageous; righteousness shines through in all you do
Yet You’re so humble, You laid down your life:
These things are true of You

And as I turn my face to You
Oh Lord, I ask and pray
By the power of Your love and Grace
Make these things true of me too
Make these things true of me too

Patient, compassionate, love flows through you
You never give up on hopeless ones
These things are true of You

Holy and blameless You stand up for justice and truth
Yet you love mercy and forgiveness
These things are true of You

Artist: Tommy Walker

Monday, May 28, 2007

Happiness (According to Peanut Characters)

Happiness is two kinds of ice cream, Finding your skate key, telling the time.
Happiness is learning to whistle, tying your shoe for the very first time.
Happiness is playing the drum in your own school band.
And happiness is walking hand in hand.

Happiness is five different crayons, Knowing a secret, climbing a tree.
Happiness is finding a nickel, catching a firefly, setting him free.
Happiness is being a lone ev'ry now and then.
And Happiness is coming home gain.

Happiness is morning and evening day tie and night time too,
For Happiness is any one, and anything at all that's loved by you.

Happiness is having a sister sharing a sandwich getting along.
Happiness is singing together when day is through.
And happiness is those who sing with you..

Happiness is morning and evening day tie and night time too,
For Happiness is any one, and anything at all that's loved by you.

By Clark Gesner

Saturday, May 26, 2007

When It Rains It Pours

Things have been breaking right and left at our house. We had a car break down, a hot water tank stop working, a sink drain clog, and a freezer stop freezing. It has just been one thing after another. However, despite the pouring out of problems God has been pouring out his blessings upon us. We have now been able to get a new tank-less hot water heaterand a car. The sink finally did unclog after multiple attempts with “red devil." The freezer stopped working when it was relatively empty, not right after butchering season when it is filled with meat.

The Lord does what is best for His children and does good for those who love him. How can we learn to trust Him when there is nothing that we need? But when there is a need we can trust Him to provide.

So yes we have a new car. It is very nice to drive, especially after having driven a mini van for a few weeks.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Softball and Broadening Horizons

Softball is such a fun sport! It has been so much fun and, for me, very challenging. Last night our team won! It was a very fun game and everyone had a good attitude. Great job team! The other two SBCC teams played against each other which was a lot of fun to watch for the few minutes that I got to see them. It was a shame that both teams couldn't win, but such cannot be.

This morning I was thinking about how much I enjoy softball and so many other things in my life that just a year or two ago would not even have crossed my mind as things that I would ever be doing. You see, two years ago I would have told you that I would never play softball. In fact when someone from my church asked me to play softball I just laughed. A year before that I would have told you that I would never want to become a teacher (I'm now studying to get a teachers certificate) Furthermore, just a few years ago I would have told you I would never stop taking harp lessons and never stop drama and never stop AWANA, and never stop working in Vacation Bible Schools. Well I have stopped all those things and started ever so many things that are completely different than anything I would have chosen for my future pastimes just a few years ago.

This morning during my quiet time I was thanking the Lord for all of the comfort zones He has taken away from me because now I learn so many new things. The biggest comfort zone was Trinity Baptist Church. That was the biggest thing that I never would have thought I could give up. However, now the Lord has shown me new things through people at Silver Beach that I would never have learned at TBC. For me it was huge, yet God has a plan in all things and to Him each new change is a step upwards towards making us trust Him more. It is amazing how much we can be stretched, and yet in God's hands it is all in the creating of his masterpiece.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Lord, I Need You

Chorus: Lord, I need You when the sea of life is calm.
O Lord, I need You when the wind is blowing strong.
Whether trials come or cease, keep me always on my knees.
Lord, I need You. Lord I need You.

Sometimes when life seems gentle and blessings flood my way,
I turn my gaze away from You and soon forget to pray.
But when the sky grows darker and courage turns to fear,
My anxious voice cries upward with words You long to hear.


Lord help me to remember I'm weak but You are strong.
I cannot sing apart from You, for Lord, You are my song.
Though I'm prone to wander and boast in all I do.
Lord, keep my eyes turned upward so I depend on You.


words and music by Ron Hamilton

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Purified Water

Water-pure, clean, life giving water. There are so many comparisons between water and the Christan life (or rather what the goal of the Christian walk is). First of all purified water does not have any dirt or germs in it; it is perfectly clear. Likewise the Christian life should be completely pure of all sin. There should be nothing in it that leaves even a hit of sin or makes others stumble. Another quality of water is that it is life giving. As Christians we should not only be pure but we should also be giving of ourselves to others and to our Lord. A third quality is that rivers and streams (active water) leads to the ocean. In the same way we, as active Christians, should be leading others to one central source-Jesus Christ.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Adventures with(out) Cars

For nearly a week our family has been down to one vehicle. Our other car started out in a state of “making funny noises” then it got promoted, or rather demoted, to “not starting” Now it has it's hood taken completely off and the engine hanging from the rafter in the carport. You would be surprised to find all the places that you don't have to go to when you have four drivers and only one vehicle to take them all to the places they want to go. Furthermore, buses run hourly and legs take people places besides jogging around the block.

My favorite form of transportation, with lack of running motors, is to carpool. Frequently when there are two people needing to go two separate places at the same time one can be dropped off early and the other can drive to their destination. My brother and I are getting somewhat good at this now. Fortunately we also have neighbors who go to many of the same places we do, such as church, that we can ride with and grandparents who we can borrow a car from.

I have never been quite so aware of every single place any one in my family goes before. We are a busy bunch of people running around all over the place....and now all in one blue mini van.

Friday, May 11, 2007

Cabin Fever

The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and everyone in the kindergarten class that I work in has a bit of cabin fever. It seemed that recess was about 45 minuets too late and about an hour to short. The warmer the weather, the shorter the attention spans of five and six year olds....yet in some odd way they remind me very much of college students. I'm continually finding myself watching a Frisbee game rather than my book or thinking about cold Italian sodas instead of math and logic. I truly understand what is going through that five year olds head when he asks “isn't it recess time yet?” From observing my fellow students it isn't much different with them.

Have fun in the sun every one!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


The test that has been haunting me for the last six months or so is finally coming this Saturday. It is hard to believe that I will have completed the four and a half hour test by the time I go to bed on Saturday night. I don't feel completely prepared...but I am continuing to review the study guide. Thanks to those of you who are praying for me.

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Authentic Beauty

(a book report for young ladies)
“In every generation there are a few young women that discover passionate, daily, unhindered intimacy with their true Prince, Jesus Christ. Just like the princesses in our childhood fairy tales, once they meet this Prince and realize His incredible love for them, they willingly give up everything else to follow Him to the ends of the earth. They live a life with their Prince that is utterly different from the world around them. They are radiant. They are confident. They are fulfilled. They possess a truly authentic beauty that flows from within. They are world changers. They are set apart in complete and utter devotion to their Prince. And they stand out from among all other young women like a lily among thorns.”
Leslie Ludy

The above quote is from a book that I just finished reading. “Authentic Beauty” It is a book that I would highly recommend for every girl. Leslie strikes a very nice balance in portraying that Christ is both our Lord and our true Price. Leslie writes not only about purity but also worshiping our true Price-Christ Jesus. You will have to read the book to find out more details. In the mean time you can visit the website which includes some supplement materials for the book.

Saturday, May 5, 2007

A Prayer

But Lord, I long to give You back something. I must, I cannot continue living unless I give back to You a little of that magnificent love You bestow on me minute by minute. Yet alas, I have nothing to give, only my obedience. If I long to give something back to You so much, and my surrendered obedience is the only thing You ask for, then it would seem that I would master the task of full obedience to You. But such is not the case. My wicked heart strays from Your will. My mind wanders from the truth. And my mouth displays my sin for all the world to see. Yes, I am indeed an unworthy wretch. Yet Your love, Your forgiveness, Your mercy, is new every morning. It is a deep, deep well that never runs dry.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Pajama Day

This was a special day for the kindergartens at Sunnyland Elementary School room 5. Today they got to wear their pajamas to school. That is right. 19 kindergartens in one room showing off their, oh so cute, sleepwear. The children laughed to see their teacher in her bathrobe and the TA in carrot slippers. There was much excitement as seven of their number performed a skit of Five Little Monkeys Jumping On The Bed. I wish I had brought my camera, but alas it was the thing I forgot to bring along. I did, however, wear my pajamas, which I changed into once I got to the school. After changing into own pajamas and guiltily hastening back to the classroom the teachers and I assisted the children in a day of reading and games and even earing some candy! It was a ton of fun for students and teachers alike.

Thursday, May 3, 2007

My Quiet Time

This morning, after my Bible reading and journaling, I found myself singing this song. Frequently this song will pop into my head once I have stilled my heart from the hustle and bustle of the world.

Before I start each day, there is a special place
I love to go alone, and seek my Saviors face.
I find wisdom in His Word to instruct me in His will,
And I hear His gentle voice say, “My Child, be still.”
My quiet time alone gives me power to obey,
My quiet time alone with God each day.
I talk to Him in prayer, ev'ry day He meets me there;
My quiet time alone with God.
He's with me all the time, wherever I may go;
Each moment of the day, He's always there, I know.
But I need that special time when I bow before His throne,
Just to read His Word and talk with my Lord alone.
My quiet time alone gives me power to obey,
My quiet time alone with God each day.
I talk to Him in prayer, ev'ry day He meets me there;
My quiet time alone with God.
by Ron Hamilton

Tuesday, May 1, 2007


This morning I mentally riffled through the day to make sure that what I was wearing would be appropriate for all the various activities I would be involved in. I had picked out one of my favorite shirts, though inexpensive, was purchased in the market place in Antigua Guatemala and carried a certain amount of sentimental value. It seemed a perfect outfit for the day, as I would be wearing it the whole day and would not have to change into a uniform since I wasn't going to work. Little did I know that the stakes were set against me for the day!

At the grade school that I do an internship at, there was a substitute teacher for the classroom in which I work. Wanting to help this new teacher the Teacher Assistant and I decided that it would be a wonderful idea to make name tags for all the kids. The TA handed me a marker and said something along the lines of “here, the tags wont smear it you use a permanent pen.” Confidently I popped open the lid to the marker, but to my utter amazement the marker EXPLODED in my hand! There was black ink running down the front of my blouse and splashing in small inky puddles on the floor! Now, my Guatemalan souvenir is laying in my room and soaking in an ink remover solution. So much for dressing appropriately for the day. Be ye warned, there are exploding markers out there, active and well!

Saturday, April 28, 2007


“Sleep” early in the morning it is my favorite word. “sleep” “bed” “blanket”...they are all good. But during the middle of the day, sleep is a word that feels menacingly like admitting a sin. Being a human being in need of sleep keeps me from doing all that I would like to do. However, I must sleep because there are some things that are even more important than doing every thing I would like. Being able to graciously interact with other people is not something I want to have anything meddling with (especially when it comes to my family). My family is the most important thing in my life, next to my relationship with Jesus Christ. They are much more important that having a few more hours to do homework and write and read and do all the other things that I would love to have more time for.. Therefore in lieu of doing every thing I would like to do, the Lord has been teaching me to rest.... yes I need to be taught to rest. It seems rather basic, but it is actually a very humbling process. There are certain limitations that God, in his infinite wisdom, has given us. The need for sleep is one of them

Friday, April 27, 2007

Molding A Masterpiece

Master Potter, why do you labor all day,
Giving such effort to rough, worthless pieces of clay?
Why such feeling in your hands?
Why such care in ev'ry touch?
Why all the struggle? Your creation is nothing but dust.

I'm molding a masterpiece, a work of great beauty.
I'm molding a masterpiece; my labors not done.
A trophy, a treasure of worth beyond measure
I'm molding a masterpiece, a masterpiece of love.

Loving Jesus, why are the children all here,
Gathered around You and eagerly clinging so near?
Urgent matters clamor loudly, and the children interfere
Why do You hold them, Why do you hold them,
Why do you hold them, and so tenderly dry ev'ry tear,

Heavenly Father, sometimes I question Your way:
Why do you ask me to mold simple pieces of clay?
Give me eyes to see the future, though it's hidden from my view;
Give me compassion as I'm molding a treasure for You.

I'm molding a masterpiece, a work of great beauty.
I'm molding a masterpiece; my labors not done.
A trophy, a treasure of worth beyond measure
I'm molding a masterpiece, a masterpiece of love.

Ron Hamilton

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Softball or Work?

Yesterday when I went to work much of the conversations I had with my manager and other employees revolved around softball, while we did sale an occasional pretzel softball was much more interesting to employ our imaginations with. We were all very enthusiastic about the softball game that night. (For those of you who don't already know, the Assistant Manager at my work and I were on opposing teams.) For the last week there has been scheming and threatening going on at work in reference to softball. Although most of the people that I know from work were cheering for the other team they yelled (quite loudly I might say) for me also.

Furthermore I learned that the “Bumble Bees” are much less scary in person than they are when you are being told all about their skill and many strong points. Also, Despite my fears, it was very fun to play against someone I work with. She kept us entertained (crawling to third base to assure herself that everyone got a “good show”). The entire game was a ton of fun but was made even more fun by the special rivalry and encouragement form coworkers.

So (to get to the point) yesterday was a bit confusing. Work was all about softball and during softball I continually heard voices that reminded me very much of the smell of hot, fresh, golden brown pretzels.

Today was much less confusing. I didn't play softball and I didn't go to work. Tomorrow I am sure I will be back to the fascinating occupation of baking pretzels and discussing softball.

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Things I Wonder

I wonder if we will all be flying rather than driving by the time I'm my parents age.
I wonder if I will ever feel like I accomplished enough.
I wonder if you can sleep and exercise at the same time.
I wonder if you can teach a dog to clean the house for you.
I wonder if someone will invent clothes that never need washing.
I wonder why different people see differently colors when shown the same item.
I wonder if someone will invent a way to be in two places at once.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Who Is Infallible? Not I!!!!

And the pain falls like a curtain
On the things I once called certain
And I have to say the words I fear the most
I just don't know
And the questions without answers
Come and paralyze the dancer
So I stand here on the stage afraid to move
Afraid to fall, oh, but fall I must
On this truth that my life has been formed from the dust

God is God and I am not
I can only see a part of the picture Hes painting
God is God and I am man
So Ill never understand it all
For only God is God

And the sky begins to thunder
And Im filled with awe and wonder
Til the only burning question that remains
Is who am I
Can I form a single mountain
Take the stars in hand and count them
Can I even take a breath without God giving it to me
He is first and last before all that has been
Beyond all that will pass

Oh, how great are the riches of His wisdom and knowledge
How unsearchable for to Him and through Him and from Him are all things
So let us worship before the throne
Of the One who is worthy of worship alone

Steven Curtis Chapman

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Stages in Life

Lately I have been thinking a lot about how we go through different stages in life. I have noticed that “stages” is a rather controversial issue. Questions such as “Is this child going through a stage or is this something that needs to be corrected?” or “What should a person be doing during the stage of single adult?” I'm sure that you can think of many more issues in regard to stages in life. Then I started thinking about one stage in particular. It is the one and only stage that really matters. It is in preparation for this stage that we have all other stages. It is the time in the eternal existence of our souls that we spend in Heaven. Besides preparing for that ultimate stage nothing else matters in any stage of life. So, during this stage of my life the things that I should be doing is preparing me and those around me to face our LORD.

Monday, April 16, 2007


Recently someone very graciously pointed out to me that the idea of giving an analogy of Christ being in the center ring (in my last post) might be a stretch. In a circus the ring master dictates which ring the audience shall see. Well, in our Christian walk we are not the ring master Christ is both the center focus and the controller of all things. Like any analogy this one can only go so far. I apologize for any confusion. If you ever feel uncomfortable or confused about any thing on this blog please let me know. Thank you for your patience.

Saturday, April 14, 2007

The Center Ring

“Ladies and gentlemen, now performing in the center ring” Could you say that to those around you in regards to your life? What would they find in that center ring? Would they find Jesus? Or would it be something else? What takes up the majority of your thoughts? I must admit that often there is something in my center ring other than Christ Jesus. Whether it is a career, school, family, marriage, church, ministry, friends or any other number of possibilities for any of us these things are to be in the right and left rings not the center ring. The center ring is reserved only for the cross. There is only room for the cross in the center ring. There is only one thing that can consume us, we cannot serve both God and mammon...or any thing else for that matter. If we are to call ourselves Christians people should know what is in the center ring.

Thursday, April 12, 2007


Sometimes I wonder why it is so complicated to find God's will for my life. I was agonizing over that topic recently. Then all of a sudden it hit me. It isn't complicated at all. I thought of the battles fought in the Bible. God's tactics were simple they included things like: blow trumpets and break jars, have the leader hold up his hands and you will win, get rid of the majority of your army, hit a giant with a stone tossed from a sling, march around a city and then yell, and my favorite, fight and He will keep the sun up! Were all of these easy? I don't think so, but with God's tactics it was simple. As far as I know there is no record of God giving orders of some complex military tactic that involves more than two or three things to be done. I'm not saying that what He did say to do were always easy (Moses had to have men help him keep his arms up because it was too difficult to do all day, the men of Israel still had to fight, David had to know how to use a sling...) Just like God's war tactics so are His tactics (often) for our lives. What are the tactics in my life as of late?

DOING- continuing to do the things He has given me to do and to be faithful in the small things. To continue to learn all that I can to prepare myself for whatever may be His plan for my future.

WAITING-waiting patiently for Him to give me the next step in life and trusting in His perfect timing and that He will fulfill his perfect will.

Is this complicated? I don't think so. Is it hard sometimes? You bet it is.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

School Stories

This is an essay that I wrote in my last English class. It is about “school stories” I hope you enjoy it.

The Place Where Stories Come From
Every one loves a good story, but where do good stories come from? There are stories of ancestors long ago, fairy tails, of heroes, of villains, of princesses, and of knights in shining armor. Despite all the varieties of good stories the most heart warming is perhaps stories that revolve around children. What better place to find stories about children than in a school? Actually, schools have been known through times past and the present day news to be the home of many good stories.

The school experience is different for each person. For my own life I was home schooled and so it was very different for me than it is for most other people. I loved being at home. I feel that for me it was the perfect opportunity to learn how to rely on myself for education and to learn from books and from listening to my parents. I would love to home school my children some day and give them that experience also. My story would consists a lot around my brothers and my parents such as Saturday mornings going through math flashcards with my father for rewards or many hours of snuggling up on a couch with my mother reading together or practicing math and writing skills at the dining room table. My story may be very different from many other peoples story but each one of us is different no one can claim another person's story as their own.

Through out history boarding schools have been known to have many stories. Stories can vary from an old legend that is told about bewitched people who lived in the building years ago, to pranks that one boarder plays on a fellow classmate or even teacher, to boarders simply disobeying the rules and going on grand adventures. To me one of the most memorable of such stories is from the movie Anne of Green Gables where Anne Shirley and some other girls end up going out on the roof at night and then Anne falls through a skylight. Another story that is a bit less innocent is the one that took place in Luisa May Alcotte's book Little Men Where some boys decided to smoke and the bed covers caught fire and one boy was burned badly.

What school stories end up in the news paper or in front of television cameras? The stories in the news are most often those that are life changing and violent. A real live example of this is the Columbine School shooting. This story was in the news multiple times and several books have been written about the lives of those who died that day. Those who were murdered died because of their diversity, some because of the color of their skin, and some because of what they believed in and their sharing of those beliefs, such as Rachel Scott, a student at Columbine High school, who died because she told her attacker that she was a Christian and would not relinquish this statement.

School teachers are a source of many memories and perhaps stories as well. It is not uncommon to hear a business man telling about an experience he had with a school teacher in second grade or to hear a college professor tell of experiences with previous teachers. Although teaching may not be a job that regularly is hailed or publicized it is one that makes a difference in the lives of the children who go through the classroom. Teachers can be remembered both positively and negatively. In Laura Ingles Wilders series Little House on the Prairie Laura starts out as a student who is treated unfairly by her school teacher who has a difficult time keeping all of the children under control. Although Laura feels mistreated she soon find out how her teacher felt when she herself goes to work as a school teacher in another town. Teachers have feelings too and the school experience is a story for them just as much as it is for the students.

The book Bronx Masquerade by Nikki Grimes illustrates stories that the students may never see published in their local paper but are non the less worthy of the retelling. Each of the individuals in that book have a struggle inside of them. Each person is different and each has a different story to tell. Part of what makes a good story is the soul of the people in it. The people are what make up the story. Perhaps the story belongs only to them and cannot really be told or understood by any one else. If one were to go into the mind of each of the fictional characters in Bronx Masqueraid perhaps then the reader would begin to understand the story of that school. Oh yes, a school has a story. It is the story of each of the pupils and teachers that go through it's halls each day. What would walls tell if only they had mouths to speak from. Would they tell of all of the giggles, the tears, the shouts, the whispers that passes through them every school day?
Stories, every one has them. The story of school makes up much of a child's life. They have adventures there. They learn there. That is where many of their friends are. Some experiences may not seem as exciting as others but non the less stories are what makes up a person, the stories of his or her life. I have been blessed through my school story. Being home schooled was great for me, I had many friends form my local church and from other activities I was involved in. I don't feel as though I missed out on any thing important from not going to a public school. Even though being home schooled was right for me it might not be right for every one Each person is different and in need of different experiences. I have also enjoyed learning about other people's school stories. Both the good and the bad experiences make up the light and dark threads of the tapestry of society.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Christ is Risen

Christ is Risen
Praise the Lord
We serve a Risen Savior
It amazes me, every time I think about the suffering that Christ went through for me, that He would be willing to do that! Then it amazes me that I still sin against them. But more than any thing else I'm amazed that He has chosen me and adopted me into His kingdom!

Thursday, April 5, 2007

Anchor in the Storm

Lately my schedule has felt something like a storm. I have been spending my mornings doing an internship at an elementary school. Next I go to work, which happens to be a brand new job (for me) and has a lot for me to learn. Then I go to school where I take a couple of classes. Amidst all of this I still try to keep up with friends and family and a few various ministries. If I didn't have a solid anchor then my mind would constantly be racing and my heart would be beating far about a healthy rate. However, since I have assurance that there is more than this life to look forward to and since I know the One that I serve loves me beyond what I can imagine I have peace in my heart. There are still times when my heart races wildly and my mind is in a million places at one time yet the anchor still holds me fast.

Monday, April 2, 2007

Effective and Productive

I was reading my Bible at Starbucks earlier this week and came across these verses.

1 Peter 1:5-8
5 For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge; 6 and to knowledge, self-control; and to self-control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; 7 and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love. 8 For if you possess these qualities in increasing measure, they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Lately I have been feeling really ineffective and unproductive. These verses were such a huge encouragement to me to read about the character qualities required for being effective and productive. I'm so glad that these verses do not say something like- and add to your high school diploma a Bachelors Degree, and to your Bachelors Degree, a Masters Degree, and to your Masters Degree a successful career and to your successful career, a perfect family and to your perfect family a perfect retirement etc. No. God, through Peter, has given us the character qualities we need to work on to be effective and productive for Christ's Kingdom!

Friday, March 30, 2007


Your Birth Month is September

Tolerant and inspirational, you are wise beyond your years.

You are universally sympathetic and a great humanitarian.

Your soul reflects: Devotion, light, and love

Your gemstone: Sapphire

Your flower: Morning Glory

Your colors: Brown and deep blue

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


It feels so good to be out in the garden again, digging up that dark brown earth. There is something terribly satisfying about getting dirt between the fingernails and something outstandingly serene about knowing one has put seeds into the earth that will pop their little heads up in a week or two to say hello. The digging and raking becomes a good workout and producing food for one's family brings a satisfying feeling.
Okay, that is what I have to say about my garden so far. I'll give more details when (if) things come up.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Update on Life

School and work
It is finally here! It is spring break! I didn't think it would ever come. The slow winter months dragged on and on. Actually, no, they didn't. It seems like just the other day that we were celebrating Christmas! God has blessed me with such a wonderful quarter. I have had such happy times at school. I have enjoyed my teachers and classes. God has blessed me and used me (if even in small ways) to show Himself to others. Now I am busying myself learning about homemaking and visiting with friends (my usual for break time) and finding a job (not my usual for any time) God is good and will provide me with the perfect job. He knows what I need and if He wants me to wait awhile then that is fine too. He has it all in His hands.

Home life
Even though there are some times of excitement most of life is made up of those ordinary every day little acts of love. Those are the most important parts of life. Sometimes those repetitive tasks are just necessary and even if they may seem unappreciated, God sees and blesses those who are faithful to fulfill those little necessary acts of love. The laundry must be folded, the toilets must be scrubbed, the floors will eternally need sweeping and the counters will continually need wiping down. God is terribly clever to put us into homes and He has picked exactly the right family for each of us. We will all learn exactly what we will need for our future homes from the families He has placed us in. He is working out His perfect plan even in those families that aren't perfect and even in the families that have a lot of problems.

God is teaching me two main things right now. One is to trust Him implicitly in every thing. That is not an easy lesson. I tend to lean on my own understanding and to fret about what tomorrow may bring (or not bring) and yet God is so able, more than able, much, much more than able to complete the work started in me. The other thing is to be faithful in little things. If He has given an assignment to me to go to school then I need to learn the most that I can. If He has a job for me, then I need to be the greatest asset to my employer that I can be. If He has given me an assignment to help my family then I need to be the biggest joy giver to those precious members of my family that I can be.

Thursday, March 22, 2007


Spring has finally sprung. It has popped it's tiny head out through those bright and perky daffodils, skipped about with the baby lambs around our house, shone down on us in the sun, and rained down on the land turning every thing green and flowery. What a good God we serve to create something as gorgeous and mysterious as the entire landscape coming back to life again for another year. It is so beautiful. Go out and enjoy the spring!

Saturday, March 17, 2007

New Littlest

New Littlest sat nervously in her little corner of the heap, waiting for Old Littlest to arrive. Oh the suspense. She had heard so much of this Old Littlest. New Littlest was about to take the place of Littlest. Littlest was about to become Gossamer because of her legendary gossamer touch. Therefore, New Littlest would become the pupil of Gossamer and learn all about how to be a dream giver. So, she thought to herself I am about to become the student of one of the greatest dream givers ever, no wonder I am a little nervous.

Oh dear, was that the sound of the dream givers coming back after their long nights work? Yes it was, one by one the dream givers filed in and slumped down in the heap to sleep. New Littlest watched anxiously for Gossamer to come but she didn't come. Finally after much patience her waiting was rewarded and she saw the figure of Gossamer coming through the entrance into the heap. Elderly announced to the whole heap that Littlest had fought against the sinisteed. The other dream givers gathered around her asking to hear more about the evil sinisteed. “ I didn't really fight against them” Littlest admitted “I just gave a boy named John a dream so that he would be strong against their evil grasp. They came while I was still giving the dream so I bestowed it as quickly as possible. I don't really know what happened after that.” Littlest continued more thoughtfully. “I must have dropped to the floor, I was very tired. I imagine that one of the evil sinisteed must have kicked me under the bed as they came to torture John. I don't really know what happened after that except for that I was very scared and they made terrible, awful, horrible noises! Then it was quiet and Elderly came and found me” There was silence for a few minuets as the rest of the dream givers processed this information. No one had ever come as close as Littlest had to a sinisteed. The others in the heap were a bit amazed by
Littlest. They seemed afraid to come close to her. As if her mighty power made them unworthy of her presence. After the elder dream givers had talked for, what seemed to New Littles, a very long time. Ancient One informed Old Littlest of her new name-Gossamer.

New Littlest knew that she must wait until night for her and Gossamer to go out on their nightly rounds together, but the wait, the the agonizing wait. As if it hadn't been bad enough when she had been waiting for Gossamer to arrive at the heap, at least that had only been an hour or two. But this, this was hour upon hour of waiting, and oh, how could she wait any longerto go on her first expedition for giving dreams?

Well, finally the long wait was over and night fell. However, before New Littlest and Gossamer could go out and give dreams they had to get an assignment because now that Gossamer was Gossamer rather than Littlest she no longer had the same assignment as she did when she was Littlest. Gossamer spoke with the older dream givers for a long time. New Littlest tried to listen in. The elder dream givers were discussing with Gossamer what she would do next. “I want to go back to John,” Gossamer was saying. “he needs me” “But Elderly already has charge over that house.” responded Ancient One. “There is someone who needs you even more right now Gossamer. You must train New Littlest. Also I think you will find your new home quite adequate for training a new dream giver. After that you may be given the home where John lives.” “Alright it may be fun to teach a new dream giver. I just finished being a little dream giver myself.” said Gossamer smiling down at New Littlest.

Gossamer and Littlest were soon on their way to a house. “Gossamer” New Littlest began as they made their way along the dark street. “What are the sinisteed?” “The sinisteed are creatures that used to be very much like us, but then they were not content to follow the ways that we bestow dreams. They wanted to give dreams about other memories than we do. They wanted to know more about the people that they were giving dreams to. When they touched things in the people's houses that they gave dreams to, they pressed to hard and found out things that they shouldn't have found. They found out too much about the people. We don't need to know every thing, New Littlest, just the fragments that we will need to know to make dreams” New Littlest sat enraptured by Gossimer's story. “I feel very sorry for some of the sinisteed because some of them were not trying to be bad at all.” Continued Gossamer “Some were even trying to help people but they were not trained well by their teachers as to how they should give dreams. Some others didn't listen to their teachers and were careles. My teachers had to warn me about becoming like that many times.” New Littles was shocked “You mean that you could have become one of the sinisteed if you had been careless and not obeyed your teacher?” Yes, well maybe” replied Gossamer. “I don't really know. I guess that there is really no way of knowing. I don't think that it will be a problem for you New Littles. I think that you will be a very good dream giver. You remind me of myself when I was a little dream giver” “Really?” New Littlest asked. “Yes, very much so. Only I was much more mischievous than you. You are a very curious dream giver but you are not nearly as rambunctious as I was. Don't forget to have a little fun now and then” Said Gossamer with a wink at New Littlest. Then New Littlest remembered about the sinisteed again. “But you were very brave when the sinisteed came weren't you?” New Littlest said proudly. “I suppose some would say that.” replayed Gossamer modestly. “But the important thing is that they didn't hurt John.” “Who is John?” inquired New Littlest. “He is a very special little boy who needs a very good dream giver who can be very gentle and know just how to give very happy dreams. He has been very sad in his life and needs the strength of happy dreams. He was hurt very badly, by a man. His father I guess. This man beat him and his mother if they cried and he made John eat dog food!” explained Gossamer. “Oh,” was all New Littlest said. She didn't fully understand and all these bad things were new to her. She had never been exposed to any thing but happiness where the new dream givers were made. but she figured that maybe she would understand some day.
Soon they arrived at the house. First Gossamer then New Littlest slipped silently below the
door. It was getting harder for New Littlest to slide beneath doors. Her form was filling out and she was, in fact, becoming quite stout. New Littlest however slid quite nicely between the door and it's frame.

As New Littlest walked around the house she was amazed at every thing that she saw. She
wanted to touch every thing. She wanted to run around the house and glide her fingers over every thing. She turned around and around just looking at every thing. “The first thing you must know New Littlest...” Oh, Gossamer is speaking to me. “Is that you may touch things but for now you must only touch the things that have happy memories and you must always touch very, very gently.” With that Gossamer demonstrated as she delicately touched the faces on a picture. “Look here, this picture shows a little girl with her grandmother. This picture has many memories in it, there is baking cookies, warm hugs, reading books, and many other happy things. There are also some sad memories when the grandmother died but I shall leave that out of the dream I am creating. Some day I will teach you about mixing sad and happy memories but not for now.” “You can find all that in just touching a picture?” asked New Littles. “Yes you can” responded Gossamer “Now here, touch.” And thus began New Littlest's career as a dream giver.

Friday, March 16, 2007

My Thoughts

My head is spinning
As the world passes by
Yet I am anchored
Oh why can't I go with them why?

Because the One who knows me best
loves me any way
and will not let me go
Lest I stray away

He is the One that holds me up.
If only I listen to his voice
I shall not fall
But I must trust Him and let Him make the choice

Where will I go
What will I do
Why is it so hard sometimes
To follow after You?

I feel left behind
By the world's mighty rush
But your still small voice
Is telling me to hush

I must listen to Your voice
If I will know the way
If I'm not quiet
I will miss what You have to say

So I will sit still
And wait for You
Because You are the only One
Who knows me best and yet loves me too

Thursday, March 15, 2007


Where do they come from
And where do they go
Slipping in and out through the night
Down the ally way creeping so
They will not be caught
Dashing quickly then crawling slow
Sometimes they give happy memories
And sometimes sad ones full of woe
Touching, creeping, bestowing, then
down the stairs and out they go
Out the door and down the road
They travel sprightly so
They will not be seen as the sun rises
During the day they must stay low
And not be seen by man nor beast
Because their work is secret Oh,
So secret these are the dream givers
Working long hours you know
Giving you dreams.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Bomb Threat

To everyone who has never experienced the thrill of a bomb threat, allow me to educate you about the sensation. First, you get out of your car and begin walking to your classroom (just like you do every day.) you notice that there is a large group of people standing outside the building. You think that is rather strange but as you get closer grange becomes stranger and stranger becomes all out weird. There is a group of about 50 students on one area of the campus and you can see other clusters of students around the campus. No one really knows what is going on but you can all hear the alarms going off inside the building and can see police swarming about the grounds. After every one is standing long enough to get rather chilly a police officer rides around on his motor bike and tells every one that they can either leave or meet at the soccer fields. You opt for the soccer fields wondering what could be going on. As you pass through the campus grounds you hear various rumors about fire alarms, pranks, and drills, but the most common rumor is that of a bomb threat. After about another half hour of standing around the soccer fields watching energetic college students, do what else, play soccer, and try to comfort those who are worried or looking for someone. Finally the school authorities come out and inform you that there will be no classes that day.
The next day every thing is normal. But the day after that you arrive at school and all the entrances are blocked off. Oh dear, another bomb threat. You would think we were the white house or something...but isn't it good to know that we have an all powerful God that takes care of us!

Monday, March 12, 2007

Charlotte's Web: A character Study of Fern

Fern Arable, a character in the book Charlotte's Web, was a young girl that, I feel, is very similar to the way I was as a young girl. One of the greatest joys of reading a book is to be able to feel that one is walking in the shoes of one of the story's characters. In many ways Fern and I are chums, kindred spirits if you will. You see, we have many things in common. Both Fern and I grew up in a family that raised animals and we both loved many of the same things: sitting quietly, watching the ones we love, swinging on large swings, going to the fair, caring for baby dolls, blueberry pie, and raising animals. One of the most striking similarities is that we both had imaginary conversations with animals, although, who is to say that they were imaginary? Yes, in many ways Fern and I are like two peas in a pod and I believe that if we had been next door neighbors as young girls we would have been the best of friends. Therefore, to understand Fern better, perhaps it would be helpful to compare Fern's girlhood and my own childhood and to think about how I acted similarly or differently as a child. I would encourage my reader to do likewise with their own childhood.

A girl of many strong emotions, Fern is like a mother hen when it comes to the ones she loves. She protects them with “ruffled feathers” and a fierceness that even a strong farmer cannot stand up against. Her father certainly was not able to when it came to ridding the farm of one particular runt pig. When told that a tiny baby pig would be killed because of the labor required to care for him, she not only defended him but took him under her own “wing” and cared for him. She thought long and hard about what would be an appropriate name for such an endearing creature. Once she had thought of the right name, Wilbur, the name was quick to come from her mouth. She even allowed it to slip out instead of the proper answer when asked a question by her teacher in school, Oh, if only I didn't relate to Fern quite so closely when it comes to what we allow out of our mouths. I, like her, have been accused of what is commonly known as a Freudian slip, meaning that although one means to answer one thing something else comes forth because that second thing was what was really in the forefront of the speakers mind.
When separated from her little darling she thought about him without ceasing. When with her adored pet she treated him, along with her dollies, like the Queen of Sheba, rolling them in her little pram around the country side. There are many aspects of Fern's love for animals that a reader can relate to. Like Fern, once an animal became dear to me as it could often be found amongst my baby dolls. It was not an unusual things for my parents to find me holding a kitten dressed in some of my most precious dolly clothes. For example there was the cat Peanut that got dressed up in baby pajamas and carried on his back every where that I was allowed to take him. I was also known to spend excessive amounts of time with a particular animal such as the dog that, beginning at the crack of dawn, I played with and trained for hours. Also, there was the parakeet, Perry, that sat on my shoulder singing with me for hours as I practiced my piano and harp lessons. There were other examples of unusual fondness for animals in my child hood. For example the the lizard that was snatched from a cat and became an aquarium friend for over a year or the many frogs that made their way into the aquarium. Between the cats and dogs and the wild animals that became little pets there were also the farm animals. There were the horses and the sheep. The horses were ridden quite often in the summer time. The sheep were never ridden on purpose but sometimes found themselves underneath a human body when in the process of being rounded up.

Perhaps if I looked into the life of Fern Arable beyond the limits of Charlotte's Web using my imagination I might find that she had many animals and that she loved many things about the farm and the animals raised there. Perhaps there were more pigs raised in the future by this sensitive young girl or perhaps the next year she raised a sheep or a cow. That is the beauty of a fictional character, I am able to imagine what the character's life is like outside the boundaries of the book. For example, I can imagine that Fern may have had some of the pets that I had as a young girl. Or perhaps I can dream about her having some of the pets I would have liked to have owned myself. These are simply examples of where one's imagination can go when given the launching pad of a good book.

One of the admirable qualities in Fern is her peacefulness. Although she enjoys the company of other children her true delight was to sit quietly among the animals and to use her imagination with them. She even went as far as to watch Wilbur when he did nothing more than sleep. It seems that she had a very mature side in a way. Although she enjoyed romping and playing with her brother, such as when they swung on the swing at the Zuckerman farm, she didn't need to have constant activity and to be entertained. My quiet time consisted of less time in a barnyard and more time in the woods. I could often be found in my old dress up clothes making grand adventures inside my head while sitting silently on an old stump or laying beside my old faithful dog amidst a grassy meadow.

This is, in large, because there are many seasons and stages in childhood and what may have been true when I was eight may not have been true when I was nine. For my own childhood it is truly hard to say whether I was peaceful or not. There were stages when I preferred to be alone quietly but there were other stages where all I wanted was to be active and surrounded by friends.

As the story progresses Fern is less interested in Wilbur and more interested in other children, specifically a boy named Henry Huffy. When Fern went to the fair she could be found, for much of her time there, with Henry. They rode the ferris wheel together and could be found holding hands amidst the hub of the midway. Like Fern, I also began to change in my tastes in companionship. I had many friends, particularly in my mid teens when I became interested in acting and made many close friends by participating in dramas together. For Fern there was Henry, for me there was a variety of good friends.

The fact that Fern was less interested in the pig must have come as quite a relief to Mrs. Arable who had been quite worried about her daughter. However, it is doubtful that there was any reason to worry about her. For Fern being a part of the every day life of the Zuckerman's barn cellar was what she wanted to do and was a natural part of her childhood. At first I felt sad that Fern no longer had an interest in Wilbur like she did at the beginning of the book. However I know that for my own childhood nothing could last forever. No animal, no matter how dear, was ever the center of attention forever. There comes a time in a child's life where the things that once were so important lose their appeal and new activities are at hand.

In reading “Charlotte's Web” we are introduced to many characters and although there are many eyes that the reader sees through, the reader originally sees through the eyes of Fern Arable. As a reader one knows what Fern is feeling and sees her inner thoughts as she saves Wilbur's life. It is only after she has raised him and he is able to feed and take care of himself that we see through the eyes of Wilbur himself. At the end of the book Fern no longer takes such an interest in Wilbur and the farm animals but by saving Wilbur's life her mark has been left forever. Fern Arable, a remarkable character, is one with whom many little children, including myself when I was a small girl, can relate to. She has a love for and a tenderness towards animals, she has a strong will and a way of getting what she wants, she also has a good imagination and a quiet, peaceful personality. Yes, I believe that Fern and I would make good friends. I hope that my reader can also relate to this amazing yet quiet character.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Fish, Time, and Eternity

A fish is not surprised that water is wet, yet we are constantly surprised at the speed at witch time passes. Therefore we must be creatures meant for eternity.
Loosely quoted from C.S. Lewis

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